
“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”) archive


№ 3 Contents Summary


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№ 2 Contents Summary
№ 1 Contents Summary


№ 4 Contents Summary
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№ 3 Contents Summary
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№ 3 Contents Summary
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№ 4 Contents Summary
№ 3 Contents Summary
№ 2 Contents Summary
№ 1 Contents Summary

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2024. N 3



The Misunderstood Prophet
(From the Speeches of M. Gorbachev)
M. Gorbachev. The River of Time and the Greatness of Action
M. Gorbachev. Personal Aspects of the Perestroika Policy

G. Toloraya, F. Chernetskii. Should Russia Choose between the Two Koreas?
G. Feigin, S. Pshenichnikova, E. Makeeva. The Theory of World Economic Relations in Marxist Political Economy
A. Pylin. Will the EAEU Become the Center of the Greater Eurasian Partnership?
K. Gadzhiev. Modern Georgia through the Mirror of its National Idea
S. Chernykh. New Values in Management: Problems and Prospects

A. Lukin, V. Lukin. On Russia’s Foreign Policy after the Ukrainian Crisis
S. Romanenko. Mikhail Gorbachev and the Yugoslav Problem (May-December1991)
V. Timofeev. Hand-to-Hand Combat and the Origins of Strategy

Civil Society
A. Tsipko. From the Memoirs of a Senior Researcher at the IEMSS Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1972–1986)


M. Gorbachev. The River of Time and the Greatness of Action (Speech in Fulton, Missouri, May 7, 1992)

Annotation. Over 46 years ago, W. Churchill delivered a famous speech here, which was perceived in my country as a formal declaration of the Cold War. Indeed, the words “iron curtain” were uttered there for the first time and an appeal was made to the entire Western world to rally against the threat of tyranny in the face of the Soviet Union and communist expansion. Everything else in this speech, including the analysis of the world post–war situation, thoughts about the possibility of preventing a third World war, about the prospects for progress, about methods of arranging the post-war world – all this remained unknown to the Soviet people. Now, paying tribute to this outstanding statesman, we can calmly and objectively assess both the merits of that speech and the limitations of the analysis, ideas and forecasts contained in it, and strategic attitudes. Since then, the world we live in has undergone profound changes.

Keywords. Churchill’s Fulton speech, the Cold War, international relations, historical choice, national interests, disarmament, new thinking, perestroika, ecology, multipolar world.

Michael S. Gorbachev – General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the first and last President of the USSR (Moscow).
M. Gorbachev. Personal Aspects of the Perestroika Policy (Speech at Harstad University College, Norway, May 1998)

Annotation. The organizers of the meeting asked me a question: what kind of strong-willed decision was required of me to end the cold war? The question is multi-layered. The decisions were not made suddenly. I ended up at the head of the party and the state, having gone a long way in life and politics before that. I already had a good idea of the state of the country.
The administrative command system, which played a certain role as a factor in mobilizing resources for industrialization and repelling aggression, became a brake on development. The economy was focused primarily on justifying ideological dogmas and rivalry with the West. A significant part of the national income was spent on armaments. By seeking militarystrategic parity, we undermined the country’s strength and depleted its resources. The problems of the arrangement were solved slowly.

Keywords. cold War, perestroika, USSR economy, foreign policy, iron curtain, disarmament, Reagan, SOY, charter for Europe, new thinking.

Michael S. Gorbachev – General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the first and last President of the USSR (Moscow).
G. Toloraya, F. Chernetskii. Should Russia Choose between the Two Koreas?
Annotation. In 2023–2024, Russia’s Korean policy took a sharp turn – the strategic partnership between Russia and the DPRK took shape. It cannot be called totally unexpected, though – as long ago as in the late 1990s it became clear that ignoring the DPRK, since the beginning of the decade used as a recipe for relations with this country, weakened the positions of the Russian Federation in Asia. Since 2000, there have been several attempts to improve relations (including economic ones) between the two countries. Against the background of the conflict in Ukraine, in which the DPRK completely sided with Russia, the visit of the head of the DPRK to Russia in the fall of 2023 and the return visit of the President of the Russian Federation in the summer of 2024 signaled a breakthrough. At the same time, the prospects for economic cooperation with the DPRK are still dim. These logical steps by Russian leadership, however, unexpectedly, caused a sharp reaction from the authorities of the Republic of Korea, who perceived it as a diplomatic defeat in their confrontation with the North. The crisis in bilateral relations has become unprecedented since their establishment in 1990, and ties are practically frozen. But even before that, since 2014, ROK joined the sanctions against the Russian Federation for reason of Ukraine situation. As a result of their repeated expansion in 2022–2024, the volume of trade has sharply decreased. Today, the rhetoric of officials who concur with American invectives against Russia and the DPRK, has become hostile. However, the careful approach to relations with the Russian Federation, used by the authorities of the ROK earlier, allows us to hope that the current deterioration is situational. Geopolitical changes and changes in the ruling elites can contribute to the rapid restoration of a part of economic cooperation, even if the opportunities for a political dialogue may not emerge. Russian diplomacy needs to show patience and a balanced approach and try not to alienate the ROK, while simultaneously developing relations with the North, avoiding attempts to link its relations to the two independent countries.

Keywords: DPRK, Republic of Korea, Russia, Russia-Korea economic cooperation, sanctions

Georgy D. Toloraya – Doctor of Science, Professor, Director, The Center of Russian Strategy in Asia, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).
Fedor M. Chernetskii – Junior Researcher, The Center of Russian Strategy in Asia, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).

G. Feigin, S. Pshenichnikova, E. Makeeva. The Theory of World Economic Relations in Marxist Political Economy
Annotation. Currently, there is an active rethinking of various economic doctrines. Economic theory has come a long way in its evolution. At a certain stage, economic schools appeared, gained popularity and (which is obviously inevitable), at some point they were criticized. In this context, the doctrine of Marxist political economy stands somewhat apart. Having appeared (at least in its infancy) Back in the middle of the 19th century, this concept found both its supporters and opponents for several decades. However, after 1917 this concept was perceived in the USSR as a kind of absolute truth. Marxist political economy was considered as a basic tool for explaining the essence of the capitalist economic system. The subsequent development of the Marxist doctrine allowed one way or another to explore the processes characteristic of the planned (socialist) economy.

Keywords: World economic relations, international trade, international capital movement, world system analysis. Marxism, Neo-Marxism.

Grigory F. Feigin – Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of General Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought at St. Petersburg State University of Economics (SPbGEU) (St. Petersburg).

Svetlana N. Pshenichnikova – Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of General Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought at SPbGEU (St. Petersburg).

Elena S. Makeeva – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought at SPbGEU (St. Petersburg).

A. Pylin. Will the EAEU Become the Center of the Greater Eurasian Partnership?
Annotation. The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the agreement on the establishment of which was signed in May 2014, was largely a consequence of the global financial and economic crisis and the reaction of the countries of the region to vulnerability to external (global) shocks. At the same time, increased competition in the post-Soviet space from non-regional participants (primarily the EU and China) also stimulated countries to make integration choice. Over the past ten years, the EAEU has been established not only as an international organization of regional integration, but also demonstrated positive integration effects for the participating countries and its resistance to external shocks. In the coming years, the task is to turn the EAEU into one of the economic centers for the formation of the Greater Eurasian Partnership. However, the implementation of this task will depend on the further consolidation of this integration association and its adaptability to the processes of geoeconomic fragmentation.

Keywords: EAEU, Greater Eurasian Partnership, integration, economy, external shocks, sanctions, geoeconomic fragmentation, trade and investment.

Artem G. Pylin – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Moscow).

V. Timofeev. Hand-to-Hand Combat and the Origins of Strategy

Annotation. This article analyzes how physical force confrontation has evolved into modern warfare. Certain Cultural and Political Science studies consider martial arts in the context of social and political processes. Moreover, anthropological and psychological studies focus on the analysis of mixed martial arts in the study of human evolution. Nevertheless, political studies hardly study the development of strategy with regard to hand-to-hand combat, which is hypothesized to influence the development of ideas about warfare. Hand-to-hand combat is generally neglected when analyzing the history of strategy and especially when studying modern warfare. The hypothesis of the research states that hand-to-hand combat and war share the common principle. The goal of this research work is to indagate the transit from hand-to-hand combat to the further development of strategy. The literature review resulted in the derivation of the principle of least action as a principle of warfare. The methodology involves analyzing the hand-to-hand combat of the mixed martial arts format under UFC rules as a model of physical force confrontation. The quantitative method is finding the percentage of knockouts/technical knockouts (KOs/TKOs) from the number of fights in each UFC event and generating a histogram describing the frequencies of the percentages. The author also finds the confidence interval and the most probable number for KOs/TKOs in fights. The qualitative method is based upon interpreting the results within the framework of military history. The author draws the following conclusions. Firstly, the problem of achieving the asymmetry of capacities can be found in hand-tohand combat and is solved by the principle of least action. Secondly, the principle of least action and, as a consequence, the hand-to-hand combat itself, which expresses it, are relevant in virtually all wars. In addition, both hand-to-hand combat and the principle described are topical in contemporary politics.

Keywords: hand-to-hand combat, principle of strategy, military history, UFC, Carl von Clausewitz, Hans Delbrück, Giulio Douhet, UAV.

ORCID: 0000–0003–1714–3406,
ResearcherID: HTS-8043–2023

Vladimir V. Timofeev – PhD in Political Science, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (Saint Petersburg).

A. Tsipko. From the Memoirs of a Senior Researcher at the IEMSS Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1972–1986)
Annotation. After my month-long business trip to Prague from the editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda in the summer of 1967. I was deeply infected with the ideas of the Prague Spring, and yet I hoped that one day in the USSR this endless insanity would also end. After Prague, meeting both O. Shik and the ideologists of the Prague Spring, K. Kosik and R. Richta, questions of the theory of socialism became the subject of my thoughts. The very idea of building a different socialism, a democratic one, unlike what was in the USSR, was tempting.

Keywords: «Prague Spring», Polish Solidarity, IEMSS Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Alexander S. Tsipko – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2023. N 2


The Misunderstood Prophet
(From the Speeches of M. Gorbachev)

M. Gorbachev. The Difficult Path to a State Governed by the Rule of Law
M. Gorbachev. The Laws of Being and the Responsibility of Politics

A. Aganbegyan. The Transformation of the Socio-Economic System of Russia: What We Wanted and What Happened
L. Khodov. Modern Taiwan: Features of an Economic Miracle

E. Bukhvald. Global Tendencies and the Perspectives of Russian Federalism Reforming
B. Shmelev. Politics or Economics? What Dominates in the Position of the CIS Countries in the Ukrainian Conflict
T. Valeva. Bulgaria in the Context of Geopolitical Tensions
A. Kiva. Is Socialism Viable? The Specifics of its Chinese Model
Gr. Kolodko. Economic Nonsense and the Dangers of the Second Cold War

Civil Society
O. Rumyantsev. Constitutionalism in Russia: from Special Control Modes Towards Constitutional Normality
A. Tsipko. Are Western Values so Harmful?

Young Scientists. A Ticket to Science
A. Chirtsova. The FIRE Movement in Russia: Passive Income Opportunities for Young People


“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2023. N 1


The Misunderstood Prophet.
(From the Speeches of M. Gorbachev)
M. Gorbachev. Together – for a Better World
M. Gorbachev. «The Great Speech of a Great Man»

V. Voloshin. Prospects for Oil and Gas Production in Russia in the Context of Geopolitical Turbulence
A. Kachelin. Technological Sovereignty in the Oil and Gas Complex: the Prospects
R. Kashbrasiev. Conditions and Prerequisites for International Industrial Cooperation
Russian Economy: the Course for a New Industrialization (Moscow Economic Forum: excerpts)

B. Guseletov. Change of Leadership in International Social Democracy: is it a Chance to Get out of the Crisis?
E. Kaloeva. The Fight Against Corruption. Experience of the Western Balkans
V. Koroshchupov. Modern Features of the Development of the Defense Industry of South Korea

Regional Communities
N. Stepanov. Prospects for the SCO’s Economic Potential after Iran’s Accession

Social Policy
E. Shestakova. South-East Asia in Search of New Options for Pension Security
M. Lobanov, J. Zvezdanović Lobanova, M. Zvezdanović. Alarmists and skeptics: National Features of the Formation of Climate Consciousness

L. Khodov. Balls in Vienna Supplement the City Budget

Young Scientists. A Ticket to Science
E. Davtyan. Enviromental Risks in the ESG System Today



“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2022. N 4



The Misunderstood Prophet. (From the Speeches of M. Gorbachev)
A. Grachev. Perestroika. Lessons are not Learned (Introduction)
M. Gorbachev. From Totalitarianism to Democracy
M. Gorbachev. Europe: the Way to the XXI Century

Bogomolov Readings / Economics
A Changing World. Where Is It going? (Bogomolov Readings at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Reports at Bogomolov Readings:
I. Nikolaev. Is There Life... Under Sanctions?
А. Kachelin. Prospects of Economic Cooperation Between Russia and Turkmenistan
A. Tsipko. The Role of Marxist Utopia in the Collapse of the USSR

N. Mezhevich, N. Senik. Belarus, the Baltic States, Ukraine: Positioning Models in a Changing
D. Ndii. African Dichotomy: Infrastructure or Agriculture?

J. D. Sachs. The New Geopolitics
Ç. Üngör. China’s “Soft Power” Is Stalling in Turkey’
L. Khodov. The New Aristocracy on the Cote d’Azur

Regional Communities
A. Pylin. Do Western Sanctions Accelerate the Economic Integration of Russia and Belarus?
B. Guseletov. Post-Soviet Space from Europe to Asia: Challenges and Prospects

Young Scientists. A Ticket to Science
I. Kostikov. Talented Students Are Given a Chance to Get off to a Good Start (Introduction)
N. Gainullina. Achievements of The Republic of Kazakhstan within the EAEU
F. Khutugova. Technological Sovereignty of Russia: Prospects of Development
P. Pronin, O. Korotun. Digital Transformation of the Educational Process in the Higher School



“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2022. N 3



To the Readers
R. Grinberg. The Plan and the Market are not Enemies

I. Nikolaev. The Economy of the USSR: Before and After the Collapse

Globalization Dilemmas
O. Butorina. Integration VS Disintegration: Which is Stronger?


L Vardomsky. Kaliningrad Region in the Context of Geopolitical Tensions
А. Migranyan. How sanctions affect the economies of Russia and Belarus
V. Chernova. Kazakhstan Updates Economic Policy
M. Borodenko. The Influence of Political Factors on Trade and Economic Relations Between Russia and Moldova
Economics: a New Reality, a New Strategy (Meeting of the Moscow Economic Forum’s Section)
L. Khodov. The Crisis is Getting Longer – There Are More and More Millionaires

R. Menon, E. Rumer. Russia and India: scenarios of interaction
V. Krishtanosov. Cyber Security. The Experience of The Republiс of Belarus

Civil Society
R. Youngs, K. Godfrey. Involvement of citizens in democratic processes. Cross-country analysis
A. Tsipko. The Myths of Eurasianism Are the Road to Degradation of Contemporary Russia

Regional communities
A. Kuzavko. Prospects for the Integration of Russia and Belarus in the Context of Sanctions Pressure
Z. Dadabaeva. The SCO’s chances and risks in a turbulent world


R. Grinberg. The Plan and the Market are not Enemies
Today, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, Russia needs planning once again, but not directive, but indicative. The practice of indicative planning, in principle, cannot be applied in a non-market economy. Therefore, it is time to understand that the plan and the market are not enemies, but, in essence, allies. The main thing here is to find a balance between them.

I. Nikolaev. The Economy of the USSR: Before and After the Break-up
Nowadays the USSR is a collective image of post-Soviet states. It is important to understand, what trends can be identified, having conducted a comparative analysis of the economic growth rates of post-Soviet states. Which countries were in the lead and which were lagging behind? What needs to be taken into consideration, having entered the fourth decade after the break-up of the USSR?

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_9

O. Butorina. Integration VS Disintegration: Which is Stronger?
Analysis of the phenomenon of disintegration and its place in the system of contemporary relations, primarily economic. The study of the nature of the interaction of this phenomenon with the processes of globalization and with the beginning of deglobalization.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_22

L Vardomsky. Kaliningrad Region in the Context of Geopolitical Tensions
The article examines the experience of using preferential regimes in the Kaliningrad region to level the effect of the exclave position and rapidly changing geopolitical conditions, which in the year 2022 became extreme.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_41

А. Migranyan. How sanctions affect the economies of Russia and Belarus
The article explores the basic differences between crises, caused by non-economic factors and their impact on the economy. Taking into account the potential of mobilization in the format of the Union State, recommendations were developed on the main directions for reducing
the negative effects of external sanctions and increasing macroeconomic stability.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_54

V. Chernova. Kazakhstan Updates Economic Policy
The article provides a review of publications on the topic of the updated economic course of Kazakhstan in the context of the sanctions war of Western countries against Russia. The economic conditions and achievements of Kazakhstan are analyzed, including the first half of the year 2022.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_66

M. Borodenko. The Influence of Political Factors on Trade and Economic Relations Between Russia and Moldova
This article analyzes the foreign economic activity of the republic in 2013–2022 and the influence of the Russian factor on it in the context of changing political relations between the two countries.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_79

Economics: a New Reality, a New Strategy
Excerpts from speeches at the session of the Moscow Economic Forum section. Experts discussed the tasks and problems of the Russian economy, talked about what strategy is needed in the new conditions.

L. Khodov. The Crisis is Getting Longer – There Are More and More Millionaires
One of the paradoxical phenomena of the coronavirus crisis, intertwined with a cyclical, structural, climatic and foreign policy crisis, was the growth in the number of millionaires in the world. This poses a serious political danger of widening the gap, separating the poor and the rich.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_98

R. Menon, E. Rumer. Russia and India: scenarios of interaction
The balance in Russian-Indian relations is shifting decidedly toward New Delhi. Russia’s break with the West and ever closer ties with China as a result of the war against Ukraine will make sustaining its partnership with India more challenging.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_105

V. Krishtanosov. Cyber Security. The Experience of The Republiс of Belarus
Ensuring digital security requires a comprehensive policy from the state, covering at the same time risk management in this area, data privacy and consumer protection, both on the internal and external circuits. The article analyzes how this problem is solved in Belarus.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_126

R. Youngs, K. Godfrey. Involvement of citizens in democratic processes. Cross-country analysis
Countries around the world are struggling to bridge the gap between citizens and political elites. Innovative practices outside the West, while far from ideal, should be considered in debates about democratic renewal in Europe.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_145

A. Tsipko. The Myths of Eurasianism Are the Road to Degradation of Contemporary Russia.
Based on the historical context, the author discusses the danger for Russia of blindly following the path of Eurasianism.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_155

A. Kuzavko. Prospects for the Integration of Russia and Belarus in the Context of Sanctions Pressure
The sanctions, imposed against both countries, restrain their foreign economic relations in general, but create an impetus for the development of the bilateral integration process. The article analyzes the issues of mutual cooperation before and after the introduction of Western sanctions, possible areas of joint work in the new conditions.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_163

Z. Dadabaeva. The SCO’s chances and risks in a turbulent world
Against the background of a tough sanctions policy against Russia, which is one of the leaders of the organization, the number of countries, wishing to join the SCO in one format or another, has not decreased, but even has increased. The article analyzes the reasons for this phenomenon.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_3_174


“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2022. N 2


To the Readers
R. Grinberg. Michael Gorbachev. Lessons and Warnings

Globalization Dilemmas
A. Kiva. What Speeds Up and What Hinders the Development of Modern Countries?
J. K. Galbraith. The Dollar System in a Multi-Polar World
L. Khodov. US or China: Who Will Be the World Leader in the Next Two Decades?
BRICS States: Climate and Environmental Sustainability

E. Buchwald, A. Kolchugina. Strategy for Russia’s Spatial Development: Halfway to Success or Failure?
I. Sinitsina. Poland’s Economy in the Context of Sanctions Against Russia
T. Valeva. Bulgaria in the Confrontation between the Collective West and Russia
S. Vakulenko. Back to the 1970s? EU-Russia Energy War Heats Up
Y. Mladek. Energy Industry of the Visegrad Countries at Historical Crossroads
M. Sherstnev. R&D Expenditures in CEE and in CIS Countries: Dynamics, Structure and Research Problems

J. D. Sachs. Ukraine is the Latest Neocon Disaster
D. Kamari. Is Democracy Compatible with Society’s Demand for Justice?
S. Zhiltsov. The Policy of Non-Regional Actors in Central Asia

Social Sphere
W. Grzebalska. Can the Crisis of Social Reproduction Bring the Demise of Central-European Illiberals?
J. Kapeller, S. Leitch, R. Wildauer. A European Wealth Tax

Civil Society
E. Kaloeva. Will the Younger Generation Change the Development Trajectory of the Western Balkan Countries?

Regional Communities
N. Stepanov. Obstacles to the Implementation of the Greater Eurasia Project
E. Romanchuk. The Role of the Asian Development Bank in the Transformation of the Central Asian Countries


R.Grinberg. Mikhail Gorbachev. Lessons and Warnings
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev died. А month before his death, I visited him in the hospital. We were able to talk a little… And today I want, as if continuing our conversations with him, to share my thoughts about what he has done for the country and the world and what lessons from this should be taken into account by future reformers.

A. Kiva. What Speeds Up and What Hinders the Development of Modern Countries?
China’s rapid growth is usually explained by a successful model of reforms, the concentration of society’s efforts on internal development, and the skillful attraction capital to the country. All this is true. But it is equally important that Deng Xiaoping’s team did not break the existing structures, it gradually reformed them.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_8

J. K. Galbraith. The Dollar System in a Multi-Polar World
The multipolar financial world is here. The USA can survive it – but only with major political and economic changes at home. It’s time to start thinking about what those need to be.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_17

L. Khodov. US or China: Who Will Be the World Leader in the Next Two Decades?
Powers-world leaders in the economy, science and military affairs change places from time to time. To understand which country today and in the coming decades will be the world’s leader, let’s compare the positions of China and the United States.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_30

BRICS States: Climate and Environmental Sustainability
This Note presents a summary of the climate action and environmental protection plans submitted by the
BRICS states to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) review.

E. Bukhvald, A. Kolchugina. Strategy for Russia’s Spatial Development: Halfway to Success or Failure?
Assessing the three years of work of the Strategy for Spatial Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, it should be recognized that we can talk about the results of both its implementation and non-implementation, and the latter would look even more reliable.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_44

I. Sinitsina. Poland’s Economy in the Context of Sanctions Against Russia
What impact did the sharp restriction of economic relations with Russia have on the Polish economy in the
new geopolitical conditions? What are the social consequences of the rejection of Russian energy carriers?

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_61

T. Valeva. Bulgaria in the Confrontation between the Collective West and Russia
The anti-Russian sanctions, to which Bulgaria has turned out to be committed, due to their mirror image, are capable of inflicting real losses on its weak energy-dependent economy.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_77

S. Vakulenko. Back to the 1970s? EU-Russia Energy War Heats Up
Europe, and probably the global economy as a whole, is already headed for a recession. Economic slowdown usually leads to a reduction in energy demand, which should help, but this time the potential shortfall is too big, and energy shortage–induced stoppages will probably deepen the recession and accelerate inflation, similar to the 1970s.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_88

Y. Mladek. Energy Industry of the Visegrad Countries at Historical Crossroads
How the energy policy of the Visegrad Group countries is developing, what place it occupies in the European energy sector, the prospects for the transition to carbon neutrality and energy security, the problems of renewable resources, scenarios for relations with Russia, with neighboring countries and with major world
powers in the energy sector.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_92

M. Sherstnev. R&D Expenditures in CEE and in CIS Countries: Dynamics, Structure and Research Problems
The article attempts to identify some trends in the dynamics of R&D expenditures in post-socialist
countries in the course of market transformation.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_109

J. D. Sachs. Ukraine is the Latest Neocon Disaster
The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement. The Biden Administration is packed with the same neocons who championed the US wars of choice in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria , Libya, and who did so much to provoke Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The neocon track record is one of unmitigated disaster, yet Biden has staffed his team with neocons.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_115

D. Kamari. Is Democracy Compatible with Society’s Demand for Justice?
In recent years, two processes have been observed in the world: a rapid breakthrough in technological development and the strengthening of a retrospective trend in the development of socio-economic relations. These processes gradually contribute to changing the worldview of society.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_119

S. Zhiltsov. The Policy of Non-Regional Actors in Central Asia
After the collapse of the USSR, extra-regional powers increased their interest in the newly independent states, located in Central Asia. The United States, the EU, Russia, China, India, Japan and Turkey pursued an active policy, proceeding from their long-term interests and seeking to draw the countries of the region into
their orbit.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_127

W. Grzebalska. Can the Crisis of Social Reproduction Bring the Demise of Central-European Illiberals?
The author argues that illiberal policy innovations in central Europe are fuelling the crisis of social reproduction they promised to tackle.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_139

J. Kapeller, S. Leitch, R. Wildauer. A European Wealth Tax
A European wealth tax could be a «win-win» strategy for reducing extreme wealth inequality and funding the recovery from the pandemic.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_143

E. Kaloeva. Will the Younger Generation Change the Development Trajectory of the Western Balkan Countries?
Over the past 30 years a new generation of active young people has formed in the countries of the Western Balkans, ready to change the socio-economic realities in their countries.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_148

N. Stepanov. Obstacles to the Implementation of the Greater Eurasia Project
An analysis of the economies of the countries, participating in the Greater Eurasia project, the role of institutions in the process of its modernization, political differentiation and changes in the foreign policy of Russia and China, gives an idea of how the development of the project can change economic relations, the
position of the group itself, individual countries.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_163

E. Romanchuk. The Role of the Asian Development Bank in the Transformation of the Central Asian Countries
In the next few years, the Asian Development Bank plans to implement a number of projects within the framework of CAREC that will have a significant impact on the reconfiguration of the region, but will do so with a progressive approach characteristic of Japan.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_2_174

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2022. N 1


Globalization Dilemmas
A. Grachev. The Last Day of the USSR
A. Rahr. How Did the Russian Emigration Perceive the Collapse of the USSR
A. Tsipko. An Attempt to Humanize Soviet Russia

Yu. Knyazev. Russia and the CEE Countries: Risks and Chances of Interaction
A. Strokov , V. Paramonov, V. Chmyreva. Economic Relations Between the Countries of Central Asia and the EU

B. Guseletov. Party-Political Systems of the Post-Soviet States: Current State and Prospects

Social Sphere
D. Neverov. Social Reefs of Economic Growth
Personnel for Industry: Preparation for a New Industrialization

Civil Society
R. Youngs, N. Milanese, K. Nicolaidis. Informal Civil Society: A Booster for European Democracy?

Regional Communities
L. Vardomskiy. Integration Mission of the Post-Soviet Space
30 years of Transformation of Post-Soviet Economies: the Main Trends and Development Prospects (The International Scientific Conference of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

V. Timofeev. Comparing Philosophical and Political Science Approaches to Rationality

By the Bookshelf
Publications of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences on International Issues in the Year 2021



A. Grachev. The Last Day of the USSR.
Could the collapse of the Soviet Union have been avoided? What factors led to this? M. Gorbachev’s former press secretary reflects on these and other questions.

A. Rahr. How Did the Russian Emigration Perceive the Collapse of the USSR
About what myths exist in the West about the results of the collapse of the Soviet Union and what is wrong with them.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_1_19
A. Tsipko. An Attempt to Humanize Soviet Russia
The uniqueness of perestroika, or restructuring – the liberation of the people themselves from despotic power – is that it was initiated by the government itself. Why has today’s intelligentsia lost its sense of gratitude to M. Gorbachev?

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_1_28

Yu. Knyazev. Russia and the CEE Countries: Risks and Chances of Interaction
When pursuing a policy towards the CEE countries, Russia has to reckon with the rapidly changing international climate and with the geoeconomic upheavals. Under such conditions, it is impossible to pursue a unified policy, and the Russian Federation has to find its own approaches to each country.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_1_33

A. Strokov , V. Paramonov, V. Chmyreva. Economic Relations Between the Countries of Central Asia and the EU
The factors that contribute to the weakening of economic relations between the countries of Central Asia and the EU are more significant and weighty than the factors causing their strengthening.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_1_44

B. Guseletov. Party-Political Systems of the Post-Soviet States: Current State and Prospects
In the 30 years that have passed since the formation of new states in the space of the former USSR, party-political systems have been formed in them, which, despite some country differences, have much in common. To what extent do they influence the activities of the governments and parliaments of their countries?

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_1_60

D. Neverov. Social Reefs of Economic Growth
The traditional methodology for assessing social inequality has drawbacks. To overcome the ambiguity of these estimates of social stratification, a special adjustment method is proposed.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_1_75

Personnel for Industry: Preparation for a New Industrialization
One of the most acute problems of our economy is related to the training of personnel, specialists in working specialties. According to many entrepreneurs, this problem often comes to the fore.

R. Youngs, N. Milanese, K. Nicolaidis. Informal Civil Society: A Booster for European Democracy?
Informal civil society initiatives have expanded in recent years, leading to more fluid and less hierarchical forms of civic participation. To effectively boost European democracy, these groups must deepen and solidify without moving toward formalization.

DOI: 10.51905/2073–3038_2022_1_104

L. Vardomskiy. Integration Mission of the Post-Soviet Space
About How the Integration Missions of the Countries, Formed as a Result of the Collapse of the USSR, Developed, the Role of Russia in This, as the Largest of the NIS and the Legal Successor of the Soviet Union.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2022_1_115

30 years of Transformation of Post-Soviet Economies: the Main Trends and Development Prospects
(The International Scientific Conference of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Analysis of the progress of integration processes between the countries of the former Soviet Union; countering increased competition from key economic players such as the EU, China and Turkey; as well as the search for possible scenarios for consolidating the positions of the post-Soviet states in world economic markets.

V. Timofeev. Comparing Philosophical and Political Science Approaches to Rationality
The article analyzes the existing scientific and philosophical approaches to rationality. Based on the comparison of philosophical and political science perspectives the author tries to formulate general ideas that can be applied in political research.

DOI: 10.51905/2073–3038_2022_1_170


“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2021. N 4


To the Readers
R. Grinberg. 30 Years Without the USSR: Results and Lessons

Globalization Dilemmas
Could the Soviet Union Be Saved? (International Scientific Conference)
B. Shmelev. Russia in the Post-Soviet Space: Problems, Risks, Prospects

From Recovery to Sustainability: in Solidarity or Apart? (Discussion of the UNCTAD Report)
A. Maltsev, S. Chichilimov. Changes in the Tools of State Regulation of Foreign Trade in World Practice

M. Rakhimov. New Uzbekistan: Trends of Transformation and International Relations
Gw. Sasse. Continuity and Change in Belarusian Societal Attitudes

Social Sphere
L. Khodov. How Many Children in a Family are Allowed in China?
B. Milanovic. Can Xi Jinping Defeat Three Stubborn Modern Inequalities?

Regional Communities
Th. de Waal. In the South Caucasus, Can New Trade Routes Help Overcome a History of Conflicts?
E. Sheinin. Financial System of CEE Countries: Opportunities and Challenges to Overcome the Crisis of the COVID-19 Pandemic

O. Balabeykina, A. Dmitriev, A. Yankovskaya. Transformation of the Structural Elements of the Modern Confessional Space of Europe


R. Grinberg. 30 Years Without the USSR: Results and Lessons
It is important not just to see what you wanted and what happened, but to understand why it happened exactly the way it happened. That is, lessons are more important than outcomes. What do we have today?


Could the Soviet Union Be Saved? (International Scientific Conference)
Three decades have passed since the USSR disappeared -- the world power that opposed the USA. This is a very complex but very important story. An attempt at retrospective analysis was made by the participants of the conference, which took place at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


B. Shmelev. Russia in the Post-Soviet Space: Problems, Risks, Prospects
The decisive role in the disintegration of the USSR was played by its political elite. This is indicated by the geopolitical and economic gains and costs that the country received as a result of independence, as well as the factors under the influence of which Moscow’s policy in the CIS is shaped.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_4_ 62

From Recovery to Sustainability: in Solidarity or Apart? (Discussion of the UNCTAD Report)
Scientists presented a deep analysis of risks for the global economy, as well as specific measures, which are necessary to ensure global sustainable economic development


A. Maltsev, S. Chichilimov. Changes in the Tools of State Regulation of Foreign Trade in World Practice
The authors trace the dependence that manifested itself in each specific technical and technological structure, at each stage of the business cycle and tasks, solved by the country that was the leader of the world economy and the country that came to replace it.

DOI:  10.51905/2073-3038_2021_4_ 96

M. Rakhimov. New Uzbekistan: Trends of Transformation and International Relations
In the years 2016–2021 the country has actively transformed the political, economic and social spheres along the path of a certain liberalization - international relations have been expanded and regional dialogue has been deepened. What else needs to be done?

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_4_ 112

Gw. Sasse. Continuity and Change in Belarusian Societal Attitudes
Among Belarusians, trust in the political elite remains low while the perceived effectiveness of EU sanctions is decreasing. The union must keep the latter in mind when assessing its strategy toward the country.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_4_ 126

L. Khodov. How Many Children in a Family are Allowed in China?
Birth control in China is one of the unusual phenomena in the world state population policy. The government of the world’s most populous state faced the problems of industrialization, urbanization, and the movement of residents to unoccupied lands. What are the consequences of this policy?

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_4_ 129

B. Milanovic. Can Xi Jinping Defeat Three Stubborn Modern Inequalities?
Recent domestic policy changes by the Chinese government have attracted worldwide attention. ‘Common prosperity’ has rejoined ‘the great rejuvenations’ as the key Communist Party directing motto. But high inequality has been considered for at least the past two decades a serious problem in China.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_4_ 138

Th. de Waal. In the South Caucasus, Can New Trade Routes Help Overcome a History of Conflicts?
In the aftermath of the 2020 Armenia-Azerbaijan war, the South Caucasus is experiencing a major reset in trade links and economic cooperation. New railway and highway construction projects could bring new life – but who stands to win or lose?

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_4_ 142

E. Sheinin. Financial System of Central Eastern Europe Countries: Overcoming the Crisis of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Is the financial saturation of the region’s economy sufficient to withstand the next challenge? After all, according to statistics, coronavirus infection has caused significant damage to the economy and financial sector of these countries.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_4_ 159

O. Balabeykina, A. Dmitriev, A. Yankovskaya. Transformation of the Structural Elements of the Modern Confessional Space of Europe
Recently, the transformation of the confessional space in Western Europe has been clearly observed, which is determined by the influence of religion on the development of policy in the field of culture, economics, and social development

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_4_ 177

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2021. N 3



To the Readers
R. Grinberg. Afghan Roulette: Who Will Win and Who Will Lose?

Globalizations Dilemmas
V. Dergachev. Formation of the Periphery of Instability in the Post-soviet Space
D. Lebedeva. China’s Science and Technology Strategy against the Backdrop of Technological Competition with the United States
Capitalism – capitalisms
The Arctic – a Region of Opposing Interests

I. Ilyin, A. Sarygulov, L. Ungvari. Zigzags of Kyrgyzstan’ Economic Development
N. Ziyadullaev. Central and South Asia: Between Globalization and Regionalization
L. Khodov. The Wealth of Modern European Monarchs

Social Sphere
I. Sinitsina. Social Aspects of the Pandemic Crisis in the Countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe
N. Grigorieva, Wang Jinzho. The Social Trust System in China
F. Mestrum. Whither the Washington Consensus?

Civil Society
E. Kaloeva. Why do We Need a Civil Society? Reflections on One Book
R. Morrison. Democracy in the XXI century
K. Brudzinska. Support for Democracy by the Visegrad Four Countries

Regional Communities
A. Tavadyan, Ag. Tavadyan. Light and Shadows of Eurasian Integration
A. Shurubovich. Belarus in the EAEU: Achievements and Omissions

Scientific Life
I. Korgun, B. Gorbacheva. Studies of East and South-East Asia. In Memory of M. Trigubenko


R. Grinberg. Afghan Roulette: Who Will Win and Who Will Lose?
With the withdrawal of the Americans from Afghanistan, the likelihood of a civil war there is increased noticeably. Only joint actions of the West, Russia and China can prevent such a development of events. But will they be able to act responsibly and give up their geopolitical ambitions?


V. Dergachev. Formation of the Periphery of Instability in the Post-soviet Space
The collapse of the USSR was accompanied by local conflicts in the near abroad, which were temporarily frozen. At present, a new wave of them begins, associated with the aggravation of the competition between the great powers and the change of generations.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_8

D. Lebedeva. China’s Science and Technology Strategy against the Backdrop of Technological Competition with the United States
The article provides data that testify to the strengthening of China’s position among the technological leaders. The main trends of the Sino-American technological confrontation are noted.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_23

Capitalism – capitalisms
The current differences between capitalist systems on the world stage. The cases of India and China. A scientific approach to understand the processes in place. Reports by professor E. Basile and professor C. Cecchi.


The Arctic – a Region of Opposing Interests
The difference in political approaches to the development of the Arctic corresponds to the difference in scientific approaches, at least in the placement of problematic accents. We present American and Russian views.


I. Ilyin, A. Sarygulov, L. Ungvari. Zigzags of Kyrgyzstan’ Economic Development
The republic, once inhabited by many peoples, is gradually becoming mono-national, and the most creative and economically viable part of the population leaves the country. All these events have economic roots. They are the ones that determine the political vector of the country’s development.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_60

N. Ziyadullaev. Central and South Asia: Between Globalization and Regionalization
The states of the region have always fought for caravans of goods to pass through their territory, because this not only helped the growth of the economy and the enrichment of the population, but also turned them into participants in global trade.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_70

L. Khodov. The Wealth of Modern European Monarchs
One of the legacies of feudalism in Europe is partly real, partly demonstrative, – the existence of ten monarchies, to varying degrees, taking part in the economic and sociopolitical life of their states. What is the financial situation, the place in the economy of their countries, the problems facing the monarchs?

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_82

I. Sinitsina. Social Aspects of the Pandemic Crisis in the Countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe
The pandemic has put all countries in the world with a choice between saving people and saving the economy. The solution of the issue on the extent to which the closure of economies will help save human lives, and to what extent it will lead to an economic depression with severe social consequences, was taken individually in each country.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_95

N. Grigorieva, Wang Jinzho. The Social Trust System in China
The social trust system is a large-scale project being implemented in China. It is based on the idea of assessing the creditworthiness of a citizen in all spheres of his life – economic, social, political.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_111

F. Mestrum. Whither the Washington Consensus?
The Washington Consensus has been declared dead on many occasions since then. But is it? Today, we simply call these policies «neoliberalism» or «austerity» which also implies another kind of State, with less scope and more strength, as Fukuyama described it.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_127

E. Kaloeva. Why do We Need a Civil Society? Reflections on One Book
Over the 20 years of its existence, the Igman Initiative has proved that many problems in relations between states can be resolved through dialogue and mutual respect.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_134

R. Morrison. Democracy in the XXI century
Globally, democracy is under attack and in retreat. Economic crisis, global pandemic, climate disaster raise questions about the efficacy of democracy and democratic values as guide for political and economic life.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_143

K. Brudzinska. Support for Democracy by the Visegrad Four Countries
To take advantage of the role of a valuable partner in promoting democracy abroad, V4 members must solve the problem of democracy within their countries, improve coordination among themselves and make more serious financial commitments.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_151

A. Tavadyan, Ag. Tavadyan. Light and Shadows of Eurasian Integration
When joining one or another integration union, it is necessary to assess how much this increases the security of the country, in particular the economic one. Pros and cons that Armenia sees in the EAEU.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_160

A. Shurubovich. Belarus in the EAEU: Achievements and Omissions
The significance of participation in the EAEU for Belarus is determined primarily by the high share of partner countries in the total volume of its foreign economic relations. The Republic of Belarus is the only Union country whose foreign trade is focused on integration partners

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_3_169

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2021. N 2


To the Readers
R. Grinberg. A. Grachev. Forward, to the Past?

B. Shmelev. Strengthening the Social and Political Turbulence in the Post-Soviet Space
V. Karbalevich. Belarus. 2020 Passionary Explosion
S. Zhiltsov. Old Problems and New Challenges

Globalization Dilemmas
V. Voloshin. Cross-Border Carbon Regulation: Risks for Russia
V. Krishtanosov. Critical Infrastructure Security under Threat
A. Portansky. Playing by the Rules or the Right of the Strong. What’s Awaits the World Trade?

Planning in the Era of Global Transformations

Social Sphere
E. Ermolyeva, E. Shestakova. Latin America’s Pension Systems: Even a Young Region is Aging
R. Petrella. Health Policy and the Sovereignty of the People
L. Khodov. How Many People Can Live on Earth? Remembering T. Malthus

Civil Society
R. Youngs. Coronavirus as a Catalyst for Global Civil Society
R. Valvoda. Civil Society Against Authoritarians in Eastern Europe and in Central Asia

Regional Communities
L. Vardomsky, M. Turaeva. National Interests and Dynamics of the Eurasian Integration Process
V. Valeva. Bulgaria in the European Union: More Presence Than Participation
Yu. Knyazev. Euro-Atlantic Integration of Macedonia: at a Bad Hour

Academic Life
Global Transformation of Modern Society and National Development Goals of Russia



R. Grinberg. A. Grachev. Forward, to the Past?
The meeting of the two presidents – J. Biden and V. Putin – was very reminiscent of the meeting of other leaders: M. Gorbachev and R. Reagan in the same city of Geneva, only 36 years ago. The authors discuss the results and prospects of the current negotiations, compare them with the results of those previous ones.


B. Shmelev. Strengthening the Social and Political Turbulence in the Post-Soviet Space
Characteristic for the development of the former Soviet Union in the last decade have become political crises, shaking the many newly independent states, and aggravating relations between them. All this testifies to their entry into a new stage of evolution.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_9

V. Karbalevich. Belarus. 2020 Passionary Explosion
The socio political process that began in Belarus in the summer of 2020, is not over. Rather, it is paused. From an island of stability, the country in the foreseeable future will remain a «sick man of Europe» and of the post Soviet space.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_19

S. Zhiltsov. Old Problems and New Challenges
The 30 years that have passed since the collapse of the USSR have not clarified the development of the post Soviet countries. The dynamically changing situation in the world economy, the pressure of external players sets new tasks for them. However, in a number of countries the political elites are not ready to solve them.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_28

V. Voloshin. Cross-Border Carbon Regulation: Risks for Russia
The coronavirus pandemic did not slow down, but became a catalyst for low-carbon development, which requires an effective economic management system. The introduction of Cross-Border Carbon Regulation (TUR) by the European Union is a new global reality.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_39

V. Krishtanosov. Critical Infrastructure Security under Threat
Threats from hacker groups are mounting, including professional groups, affiliated with foreign governments. Meanwhile, international regulation of cyberspace is mainly advisory in nature.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_55

A. Portansky. Playing by the Rules or the Right of the Strong. What’s Awaits the World Trade?
At the beginning of the XXI century it has become clear that serious and urgent measures are needed to begin the reform of the WTO as the central regulatory body for International trade.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_70

Planning in the Era of Global Transformations
Nowadays, there is a significant increase in interest in the institution of planning, which allows organizing human activity to achieve the set goals. One of the world’s largest experiments in introducing planning methods into the economy of an entire country should be considered just like this, cleansed of ideological layers.


E. Ermolyeva, E. Shestakova. Latin America’s Pension Systems: Even a Young Region is Aging
The region turned out to be one of the worst affected in the world from COVID-19. The new epidemic has provoked a real humanitarian crisis, in the orbit of which all segments of the population found themselves. But the most affected were youth and older age cohorts.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_100

R. Petrella. Health Policy and the Sovereignty of the People
In the name of national health security, the dominant groups have taken measures that run counter to the much-vaunted objective of «no one will be left behind». In reality, «vaccine nationalism» is a good alibi, behind which powerful multinational and global oligarchies act.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_118

L. Khodov. How Many People Can Live on Earth? Remembering T. Malthus
In a number of countries in Africa and Asia, the economic and demographic situation has developed, according to the forecasts of T. Malthus: the population is growing faster than the means of its provision due to the high birth rate. However, «Law of Population» does not manifest itself at all in prosperous countries.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_124

R. Youngs. Coronavirus as a Catalyst for Global Civil Society
The coronavirus has been a wake-up call for global civil society. It will come out of the pandemic looking very different – and this change will be a significant factor in a now highly fluid international politics.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_130

R. Valvoda. Civil Society Against Authoritarians in Eastern Europe and in Central Asia
How the confrontation plays out will depend on how harshly the elites are prepared to crack down on dissent, on the one hand, and how emancipated, skilled, and numerous the civicminded part of society becomes, on the other. What will come of the revived civic engagement that has followed the global coronavirus pandemic will be a central question of this decade.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_134

L. Vardomsky, M. Turaeva. National Interests and Dynamics of the Eurasian Integration Process
National interests play a decisive role in the construction of regional integration institutions. This was fully manifested in the course of the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), whose members differ greatly in the size of the economy, its structure and governance institutions.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_141

V. Valeva. Bulgaria in the European Union: More Presence Than Participation
An analysis of measures to mitigate the impact of the pandemic and the associated lockdowns on the population and business, forecasts for the development of Bulgaria, the reasons for the deep political crisis that arose in 2020 amid corruption scandals and unsolved social problems, is presented.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_158

Yu. Knyazev. Euro-Atlantic Integration of Macedonia: at a Bad Hour
2020 was marked for Macedonia by the fact that the process of official entry into EuroAtlantic integration has finally begun. What it portends for the country’s economy?

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_170

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2021. N 1


To the Readers
R.Grinberg. Are the Troubles of EU and the Feud with Europe Useful to Us?

Globalization Dilemmas
A. Aganbegyan. The World after the Coronavirus Pandemic
F. Fukuyama. Liberalism and Its Discontents. The Challenges from the Left and the Right
S. Besch, I. Bond, L. Schuette. Europe, the US and China: A Love-Hate Triangle?

Belarussian Crisis: Causes and Consequences («Round Table» of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
M. Trigubenko, G. Toloraya, T. Lezhenina, V. Gorbacheva. North Korea: from Reform Attempts to Self-Isolation

The World Economy and its Prospects in 2021 (Discussion on the UN Report)
L. Khodov. Austria in Search of a Way out of the Coronavirus Crisis

E. Kaloeva. About Eternally Living Populism. Balkan Experience
P. Morel. The Charter of Paris: Thirty Years Later
L. Smirnova. The Fate of the UN: Retrospective and Forecast
M. von der Schulenburg. The UN Charter is the West’s Best option

Civil Society
A Kiva. Elite and Society

Regional Communities
Economic Dynamics in the CEE in and the SEE Countries (The Conference in Memory of S. Glinkina)
S. Lehne. Securing the EU’s Place in the World

By the Bookshelf
Institute’s of Economics of the RAS Publications on International Issues in 2020


R.Grinberg. Are the Troubles of EU and the Feud with Europe Useful to Us?
The author analizes how important it is to realize that both Europe and Russia, as a part of it, are sentenced to mutual cooperation due to the fact that demographically these are two disappearing subjects. And if we want to be a more or less significant player in the world politics -- in a world, ruled by the Americans and the Chinese, -- we must be together.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_5

A. Aganbegyan. The World after the Coronavirus Pandemic
The global coronavirus pandemic crisis that emerged in 2020 is special, unlike the usual financial, economic and social crises of a cyclical or structural types that the world had faced before. One of the key promising trends is associated with the growing role of the state in the socio-economic development of different countries.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_8

F. Fukuyama. Liberalism and Its Discontents. The Challenges from the Left and the Right
Liberalism’s problem is that it works slowly through deliberation and compromise, and never achieves its communal or social justice goals as completely as their advocates would like. But it is hard to see how the discarding of liberal values is going to lead to anything in the long term other than increasing social conflict and ultimately a return to violence as a means of resolving differences.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_24

S. Besch, I. Bond, L. Schuette. Europe, the US and China: A Love-Hate Triangle?
The COVID-19 crisis has worsened relations between the US and China, but Europe must avoid being caught between the two rival superpowers. Authors offer a series of recommendations for how the EU can protect its interests and prosper. It is time for Europe to take China more seriously as a security risk, but the EU must also hedge against a less reliable partnership with Washington.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_36

Belarussian Crisis: Causes and Consequences («Round Table» of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
The discussion about the reasons for the emergence of the protest movement in Belarus, on Russia’s policy towards Belarus, adjusted for the protesting forces. And also about how the events in Belarus fit into the general trend of increasing instability in the post-Soviet space.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_53

M. Trigubenko, G. Toloraya, T. Lezhenina, V. Gorbacheva. North Korea: from Reform Attempts to Self-Isolation
The DPRK remains one of the most closed countries in the world. The article provides an analysis of the main directions of the new economic policy of the DPRK and the impact of international sanctions on it. Special attention is paid to the trends in the development of economic ties between the DPRK and Russia.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_67

The World Economy and its Prospects in 2021 (Discussion on the UN Report)
The COVID-19 pandemic has given Russia and the whole world at least two very serious lessons that humanity has yet to be thoroughly aware of. The world has never been in such a state of uncertainty as it is now. Scenarios of the future can be discussed rather than the future itself.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_83

L. Khodov. Austria in Search of a Way out of the Coronavirus Crisis
Austria during the crisis was severely damaged by the extreme dependence of its economy on external influences, the predominance of small and medium-sized businesses in the structure of the economy, as well as the high mobility of qualified personnel. Nevertheless, the alpine republic has all the prerequisites for overcoming the crisis.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_96

E. Kaloeva. About Eternally Living Populism. Balkan Experience
Where does populism come from, what does it bring with it and how long is it with us? Researchers from different countries that were once part of the socialist camp are trying to answer all these questions.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_104

P. Morel. The Charter of Paris: Thirty Years Later
The Charter is often perceived as a wonderful impulse or a reflection of a short-lived euphoria, which was soon refuted by the subsequent events. The ambitious task, set before the Charter, was to outline the perspective of a new historical stage for the entire continent, drawing lessons from the past. And today it shows us the way to the future.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_115

L. Smirnova. The Fate of the UN: Retrospective and Forecast
It is obvious that both the architecture of international organizations, in the form in which it was conceived after the end of the Second World War, and the methods of their work will undergo significant adjustments. For Russia, this is probably just the right moment to rethink its approaches to the UN.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_124

M. von der Schulenburg. The UN Charter is the West’s Best option
Today, the US and, with it, the West in general, must decide if we support a world order that accommodates not only Russia and China but also many other up-coming regional and global powers with a diversity of political systems, or if we are we sleepwalking into another militarised global conflict in the hope to ascertain our global supremacy?

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_140

A Kiva. Elite and Society
Every nation, every community, every country has the one who leads it forward. How is this elite circle formed? What are the qualities one must possess to get into the cage? Why is there a rotation of elites?

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_145

Economic Dynamics in the CEE in and the SEE Countries (The Conference in Memory of S. Glinkina)
About the results of the 30-year period of «The Great Transformation». How do the CEE and the SEE countries feel today in the European Union? What are the prospects for this association?

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_160

S. Lehne. Securing the EU’s Place in the World
As a diverse multilevel entity, held together by law and values, the EU will never be very good at geopolitics. Its comparative advantage lies in its ability to resolve controversial issues through fact-based dialogue and results-oriented negotiations. The return of power politics and some countries’ rejection of the universalist agenda has made the job more difficult but not impossible.

DOI: 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_1_175

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2020. N 3


To the Readers
R. Grinberg. Twilight of Belarusian Autocracy: Lessons for Russia

Z. Zakhariev. Is There a Chance for a New Socialism in Eastern Europe?
A. Rahr. Quo vadis East of Europe?
A. Rotfeld. The New European Political Landscape
M. Siruchek. The Second «Prague Spring»
M. Fulop. Return to Europe?
F. Mislivetz. Roses and Thorns of the European Integration

The Dilemmas of Globalization
M. Gorbachev et al. Pandemic as a Challenge to New Thinking in the XXI Century
K. Babkin. COVID-crisis, the World and Us
G. Feigin, A. Hayduk. Pros and Cons of Global IT-Outsourcing
A. Martino. The Role of the BRICS Network University in Geoeconomic Strategy

M. Sokolov. What Is Necessary for Withdrawal of the Russian Economy from the Crisis?
N. Ziyadullaev. The EAEU and the Republic of Uzbekistan: a False Start on the Path to Integration

Social Sphere
A. Khachaturyan. Social Risks of the Transition to the Digital Economy
D. Kamari. Why Social Elevators Do Not Work?
R. Wolff. Why Capitalism Is in Constant Conflict with Democracy?

Regional communities
E. Sheinin. Credit and Banking Policy of CEE Countries: Limits of Autonomy
N. Stepanov. China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Chances and Risks of Pairing with the EAEU
L Khodov. 25 years of Austria’s Participation in the European Union


R. Grinberg. Twilight of Belarusian Autocracy: Lessons for Russia
Analyzing the mass protests in Belarus, the author comes to the conclusion: the national idea
cannot justify the dictatorship and omnipotence in the XXI century.

Z. Zakhariev. Is There a Chance for a New Socialism in Eastern Europe?
The Berlin Wall’ fall and «the velvet revolutions» in Eastern Europe turned our understanding the
structure of society upside down. Today the world has again reached a tipping point where there is
a need to find a new way of building society.

A. Rahr. Quo vadis East of Europe?
In Western Europe it is still customary to look at the countries of Eastern Europe as at poor
relatives. Meanwhile this arrogance is inappropriate. The author predicts economic growth in CEE
countries after the coronavirus.

A. Rotfeld. The New European Political Landscape
In the last century, Poland’s place has changed not only on the map of Europe, but also in the
community of nations. Over the past 30 years, the country has been developing a space of
freedom, security and justice. What has it achieved over these years?

M. Siruchek. The Second «Prague Spring»
Twenty years after «The Prague Spring» the opposition managed to take power without firing a
single shot. In the world this bloodless coup d’etat was called the «the velvet revolution».

M. Fulop. Return to Europe?
Events of the years 1989 and 1990 were accompanied by the disintegration of the eastern part of
Europe into small countries, which were constantly in conflict with each other. The European
identity of the EU members contrasted with the aspirations of the countries of Eastern Europe,
despite their pro-Western orientation.

F. Mislivetz. Roses and Thorns of the European Integration
Europe has been a model of peaceful regional integration for decades. However, due to the lack of
a common vision of the future in «old» and «new» Europe, the «European dream» was replaced by
a general disappointment. Will Europe be able to avoid further disintegration?

M. Gorbachev et al. Pandemic as a Challenge to New Thinking in the XXI Century
It became obvious that the world could change significantly. A new universal challenge that
threatens civilization is the pandemic of COVID-19. It exacerbates old unresolved problems.
Humanity will have to work together to develop a comprehensive answer. What should it be?

K. Babkin. COVID-crisis, the World and Us
The world and Russia have found themselves in a multifaceted crisis. The pandemic of coronavirus
has become its trigger. What should Russia do?

G. Feigin, A. Hayduk. Pros and Cons of Global IT-Outsourcing
Cooperation in the field of information technology is of great importance in the era of
digitalization. The authors analyze how successfully the Russian economy copes with the
development of the information sector.

A. Martino. The Role of the BRICS Network University in Geoeconomic Strategy
The BRICS University Network was established in 2015. Today it defines the strategic role of
the education and research sector in the development and in the economic growth of the member
countries of the organization.

M. Sokolov. What Is Necessary for Withdrawal the Russian Economy from the Crisis?
The situation in the Russian economy, which has emerged as a result of an unprecedented drop in
world oil prices, complicated by the pandemic, indicates that it is necessary to give up forever the
illusion of economic recovery through oil and gas revenues.

N. Ziyadullaev. The EAEU and the Republic of Uzbekistan: a False Start on the Path to Integration
Uzbekistan demonstrates a new course of geopolitical and geoeconomic strategy to enhance the entry
of the national economy into the world economic system and to increase its role in the global world.

A. Khachaturyan. Social Risks of the Transition to the Digital Economy
Social threats in the labor market are also associated with the development of the digital economy.
The main one is that more and more jobs may become endangered with the further digital
transformation of the economy.

D. Kamari. Why Social Elevators Do Not Work?
World economic crises and the active introduction of digital technologies lead to the degradation
of labor relations. The problems between employer and employee, typical for capitalist countries,
are exacerbated. At the same time there is no proper culture and institutions of power in society,
that guard and protect the rights of citizens.

R. Wolff. Why Capitalism Is in Constant Conflict with Democracy?
Fear of universal suffrage is ingrained among those, who are seeking to preserve capitalism.
D. Trump exemplifies this and acts in accordance with this fear in the run-up to the 2020 elections.

E. Sheinin. Credit and Banking Policy of CEE Countries: Limits of Autonomy
The credit and banking policy of the CEE countries continues to take shape in the context of
the centralization of methods for regulating the activities of credit institutions in the European
Union. At the same time following the unified monetary policy of the EU, the CEE countries
emphasize the priority of national interests.

N. Stepanov. China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Chances and Risks of Pairing with the EAEU
The coordination of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and the integration projects of the
Eurasian Economic Union are proceeding not without problems, however the implementation of
these projects can bring significant benefits to both China and Russia.

L. Khodov. 25 Years of Austria’s Participation in the European Union
Austria’s accession to the EU has had a profound impact on its economy. The author analyzes
both positive and negative consequences of integration.

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2020. N 2


To the Readers
R. Grinberg. What Will Be the New Model of Economic Development?

Globalization Dilemmas
Post-Pandemic World and Russia: New Reality? (MAEF-2020)
S. Bodrunov. On the Way to Noonomy: Man, Technology, Society
P. Raimondi. BRICS in the Face of the Global System Crisis

G. W. Kolodko. The Great Chinese Transformation: from “The Third World” to “The First” one
I. Orlik. Central and Eastern Europe: Completion of Post-Socialist

E. Kaloeva. How History Is Written under Post-Socialism

I. Novikova. Systemic Crisis of the World Economy or the Crisis of the System?
O. Karosa, A. Potemkin, M. Rothschild. How the Investment Sector is Holding Back the Growth of the Russian Economy

Social Sphere
J. Ogilvy. Universal Basic Income and Radical Populism
B. Nolan and D. Weisstanner. Universal Basic Income and the Pandemic: What Will Change?

Regional Communities
Interface of Integration Processes in Europe and in Asia (international scientific conference)
B. Islamov, D. Islamov, S. Primova. The Role and Place of Uzbekistan in the Implementation of the “One Belt – One Road” Initiative
J. Mladek. 30 Years Later: How the Visegrad Four Succeeded in Post-Socialist Transit

J. Toshchenko. The People Are Always Right, Even When They Are Wrong
L. Ensel. The Courage to Be a Juvenile, or Have the Courage not to Use Your Mind

By the Bookshelf
Institute’s of Economics RAS Publications on International Issues


R. Grinberg. What Will Be the New Model of Economic Development
COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the search for a new economic model for the contemporary world. Until recently the world had no doubts about what kind of economy was the most efficient – only market. Today all this is in question.

Post-Pandemic World and Russia: New Reality? (MAEF-2020).
Prominent Russian experts reflected on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global political, economic and social situation, as well as how serious the economic crisis, caused by the virus, had affected the main areas of the Russian economy and social sphere.

S. Bodrunov. On the Way to Noonomy: Man, Technology, Society
The author analyzes the fundamental provisions of the concept of a new industrial society of the second generation (NIO.2) and noonomics, postulating the transition in the future to a new awareness of a person’s existence, values and tasks.

P. Raimondi. BRICS in the Face of the Global System Crisis
The author analyzes to what extent the BRICS member countries are ready to fend off the threats of a new global systemic crisis.

G. W. Kolodko. The Great Chinese Transformation: From “The Third World” to “The First”
In an era of irreversible globalization, the world’s economic and political rules of the game must take into account the growing importance of China. Necessary not to fight with it but pragmatically cooperate.

I. Orlik. Central and Eastern Europe: Completion of Post-Socialist Transformation
30 years ago the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) began an internal struggle to establish a socio-economic structure, as it seemed, according to the Western European model. Have they reached the coveted Western standards?

E. Kaloeva. How History is Written under Post-Socialism
“The politics of history” of each state contains two interrelated aspects, one of which consists in solving problems of domestic politics, and the other is important for the interpretation of international relations. The author analyzes to what extent this statement corresponds to the practice of different countries, united by their common socialist past.

I. Novikova. Systemic Crisis of the World Economy or the Crisis of the System?
The systemic crisis, about which economists talked for several decades, “suddenly” clearly manifested itself in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The author explores what is the connection between these two phenomena? How and where can we find a place in these processes?

O. Karosa, A. Potemkin, M. Rothschild. How the Investment Sector is Holding Back the Growth of the Russian Economy
The modernization of the Russian economy, with the current mentality of Russian society and state investment development institutions, is very problematic. It will happen only when the state authorities really need a qualitative leap in economic growth.

J. Ogilvy. Universal Basic Income and Radical Populism
The protracted global economic crisis has highlighted the need for early implementation of collective and coordinated measures to overcome extreme poverty and to raise the income level of the poor to the average minimum. The author examines possible scenarios for overcoming class and economic inequality.

B. Nolan and D. Weisstanner. Universal Basic Income and the Pandemic: What Will Change?
he COVID-19 pandemic not only prompted the need to seek solutions to numerous urgent problems, but also demanded an answer to the question of how we would like to see the world after its end. The authors explore the question of what impact the current crisis might have on the debate over the UBI.

Interface of Integration Processes in Europe and in Asia (international scientific conference).
Participants focused on the political, economic and regional cooperation of integration associations of various types, primarily the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union, as well as on their interaction with other partners in search of answers to the global challenges of our time.

B. Islamov, D. Islamov, S. Primova. The Role and Place of Uzbekistan in the Implementation of the “One Belt One Road” Initiative
The article examines the impact of China’s project “One Belt-One Way” on the development of transport infrastructure, trade, tourism and investment as well as on integration of the Uzbekistan into the world economy. On the whole, in the opinion of the authors, benefits for all participants will significantly prevail the risks.

J. Mladek. 30 Years Later: How the Visegrad Four Succeeded in Post-Socialist Transit
What transformation has the Visegrad Four gone through during this time, what are its relations with its closest neighbors and with major world powers, what place does it occupy in the European Union, what is its role in making key decisions within European politics?

J. Toshchenko. The People Are Always Right, Even When They Are Wrong
The author evaluates the events of the second half of the 1980s, which entered our history, as perestroika, using specific statistical data and the results of sociological surveys. He argues with those publicists who promote in the consciousness of society an exclusively personal assessment of those events.

L. Ensel. The Courage to Be a Juvenile, or Have the Courage Not to Use Your Mind
The author analyzes the “quality” and validity of decisions that are often made by political leaders, who prefer to live in an “alternative world” of personal perceptions.

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2020. N 1

Perestroika Initiator – 89 years
R. Grinberg. Ingratitude is the Reward of Peace
L. Shevtsova. He Gave us a Chance
A. Tsypko. Why the Freedom Granted is of little Value

Globalization Dilemmas
A. Kiva. The Post-War World Order
S. Orlov. Strategy for Russia in a Turbulent World
World Economic Situation and Prospects – 2020 (the UN Report)

T. Valeva. Bulgaria in Search
J. Kotyński. Poland’s Economy amid Turbulence in the Global Economy
L. Khodov. Electric Cars Are on the Offensive

Ukrainian Drama
V. Dergachev. Ukraine’s Economy today: Old Problems and New Challenges
V. Mironenko. A Year of Anger and Hope

Social Sphere
L. Vardomsky, T. Sokolova. Social Determinants of Eurasian Integration
I. Sinicyna. Social Orientation of  “Transit» Countries: General and Special

Regional Communities
A. Shurubovich. Russian-Belarusian Integration Is at the Crossroads Again
J. Jensen, F. Miszlivetz. European Values, Culture and Identity at Stake 


R. Grinberg. Ingratitude is the Reward of Peace
The greatest politician of the twentieth century. In a few years you changed the course of history, gave us freedom that we did not deserve, freed the world from fear. Unfortunately, Russia could not stand the test of freedom, and the West could not stand the test of victory. But I know for sure that if democracy wins in our beloved Homeland, then you will be remembered as the person who initiated the construction of a society with a “human face”.

L. Shevtsova. He Gave us a Chance
Today it is difficult to believe that in our life there was a Gorbachev era. Were those Bolotnoye and Moscow “affairs” possible under him, as well as intimidation in the form of trials of  “The Network’ and of  “The New Greatness”, mockery of the Constitution, the annexation of Crimea and the war with Ukraine, confrontation with the West and Russia’s participation in a bloody Syrian adventure?

A. Tsypko. Why the Freedom Granted is of little Value
In Russian history, perestroika, or the restructuring of M. Gorbachev is a unique case when the autocratic power, contrary to tradition, renounces its sovereignty, or absolute power, so that the citizens of the country should become free. Let us try to isolate the philosophical meaning of perestroika, or the restructuring of M. Gorbachev as a historical accident. After all, we live in a country where, at first glance, the unthinkable becomes possible.

A. Kiva. The Post-War World Order
As the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres figuratively put it, the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” threaten the world. These are the highest geostrategic tension and the threat of nuclear war; growing global mistrust; climate crisis; “The Dark Side of the Digital World”, when new technologies are used for crimes, inciting of hatred, dissemination of false information.

S. Orlov. Strategy for Russia in a Turbulent World
Contemporary economy, at the beginning of the XXI-st century, is characterized by a distinctive imperative of long-term development, which was fully outlined shortly after the financial crisis of the years 2007–2008. The current world order requires reflection and consistent concretization of its distinctive and practically significant elements.

World Economic Situation and Prospects – 2020 (the UN Report)
Scientists, experts, teachers, lecturers having familiarized themselves with the main provisions of the report, expressed concern about the unfavorable situation in the world economy that has been developing for more than a year and about certain trends in its development, that are not optimistic. The following is an abridged transcript of the discussion.

T. Valeva. Bulgaria in Search of Reliance on Third Countries
In conditions of the unstable political, financial and economic situation, observed in the postcrisis years in the European Union, Bulgaria’s main political and economic partner, establishment and strengthening of contacts with Turkey and China contributes to an improvement of the country’s economic situation, especially in anticipation of new financial shocks, towards which the world market is moving .

J. Kotyński. Poland’s Economy amid Turbulence in the Global Economy
The paper is aimed at evaluation of general development trends of the global and European economy and their impact on Poland’s economy. Accelerated economic development of the emerging market economies and a rise of globalization were accompanied by profound structural transformations of the world economy and by some global shocks.

L. Khodov. Electric Cars Are on the Offensive
The automotive industry of manufacturing countries is undergoing fundamental changes. To replace diesel engines, gasoline engines come running on electricity from the batteries.

V. Dergachev. Ukraine’s Economy today: Old Problems and New Challenges
Ukraine, over the years of independence, turned from a subject into an object of world politics. The main feature of the “Ukrainian national hunt” is the choice of the target, under which it is beneficial to lie down – under the “Poles”, “Muscovites”, Europeans, Americans, Turks and other Basurmans. As a result, another Third Ruin came, leading to the loss of state.

V. Mironenko. A Year of Anger and Hope
Last year, 2019 in Ukraine, was marked by presidential and parliamentary elections. Called “The Electoral Revolution”, they, along with “The Orange Revolution” (2004) and with “The Revolution of Dignity” (2014), continued the period of political turbulence. At the same time, they can complete it by putting an end to the history of the Third Ukrainian Republic and putting forward the change of the political generation and of the socio-political model as urgent immediate tasks.

L. Vardomsky, T. Sokolova. Social Determinants of Eurasian Integration
By now, Eurasian integration has become an important factor in the socio-economic development of the participating countries. However, the integration process is not going as fast as planned, and its results do not quite suit the participants.

I. Sinicyna. Social Orientation of  “Transit” Countries: General and Special
Today, economic development increasingly depends on its social orientation. Therefore, it is extremely important to assess the social orientation of the economic models of “transit” countries, using the indicators of expenditures of state funds for the implementation of social activities, as well as of those social rights to receive benefits, formed during the transformation.

A. Shurubovich. Russian-Belarusian Integration Is at the Crossroads Again
December 8, 2019, marked the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on the Establishment of a Union State (US) by the presidents of Russia and Belarus, which is designed to give a powerful impetus to Russian-Belarusian integration and to contribute to the formation of the most advanced integration union in the Рost-Soviet space.

J. Jensen, F. Miszlivetz. European Values, Culture and Identity at Stake
The discussion of Europe in a global context usually concentrates on the EU and its active role in diplomacy, plus its shrinking relative size globally. The debate about Europe’s search for identity and role in a changing and uncertain world is characterized by conflicting demands of unity, nationalism, economic and social security, political stability and military realities. These conflicting demands are increasing as Europe tries to re-define itself and its place in the world.

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2019. N 3


To the Readers
R. Grinberg. Liberalism is in Crisis in the West and It is Discredited in Russia. Will We Enjoy the New Feudalism?

Grz. W. Kolodko. Post-Communist Transition to Market and Democracy. The Lessons of Polish Experience
E. Kaloyeva. What do Leftists in the Balkans Think of Marx and Marxism after the Rejection of Communism
E. Pivovarova. 70 years of the PRC: from the Program of  “New Democracy” to the Creation of a “New Integrated Society”

V. Voloshin. Gas Transit from Russia to Europe through Ukraine as Apple of Discord
N. Stepanov. Structural Imbalance of the Chinese Initiative “One Belt – One Road’
Nguen Kuang Tkhuan. Globalization and its Impact on Vietnamese-Russian Relations

V. Sheinis. The Mysterious Face of the Future World
P. Foster. Dying Democracy in Hungary: “A Climate of Fear’

Social Sphere
P. Savchenko, M. Fedorova. Social and Labor Relations in Russia: Progress or Regression
T. Chubarova, E. Shestakova. State in the Social Sphere: Vectors of Change

IMF – 75 Years
M. Wulf. IMF Today and Tomorrow
Cr. Lagarde. Updating Bretton-Woods Tooz. Rethinking of the IMF

Regional Communities
E. Sheinin. Financial Potential of the Investment Process in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
G. Chiodi. The European Union Economic Policies: When Theory does not Keep Up with Practice 


R. Grinberg. Liberalism is in Crisis in the West and It is Discredited in Russia. Will We Enjoy the New Feudalism?
A funny feature of the post-Soviet very and not very well-educated domestic intelligentsia is to sincerely think that it is as if different actors are pursuing foreign (good) and economic (bad) policies. For some reason, it is customary to ignore the fact that we have a leader of our nation that defines the tasks and actions of both.

Grz. W. Kolodko. Post-Communist Transition to Market and Democracy. The Lessons of Polish Experience
The idea of an appropriate strategy for Poland’s transition to market system was born for many years, although the ≪Strategy for Poland≫ – a multi-layered program of dynamic socio-economic development, built into the creation of social market economy institutions and structural reforms, and meeting the challenges of globalization – arose quickly, at the turn of the years 1993–1994. Politically, it was a medium-term program detailing the activities needed in 1994–1997, although outlining many tasks for the coming years. In economic terms, it was an attempt to take the long-term challenges.

E. Kaloyeva. What do Leftists in the Balkans Think of Marx and Marxism after the Rejection of Communism
The history of the left in the Balkans dates back more than one century. So, in Serbia it is associated with the name of S. Markovic (1846–1875). One of his closest associates was N. Pasic, whose Serb radical party initially wore a socialist character. In Serbia at that time there was no industrial society, and the economic ideas of K. Marx could not be applied to it, therefore, the Serbian left at the end of the XIX century preached, first of all, the moral values of socialism.

E. Pivovarova. 70 years of the PRC: from the Program of  “New Democracy” to the Creation of a “New Integrated Society”
In the ‘General program” of the People’s Political Advisory Council of China, adopted in September of 1949, it was noted that “the basic principle of the economic construction of the People’s Republic of China is the development of production and the creation of a prosperous economy, based on the policy of taking into account both public and personal interests, benefits, both labor and capital, mutual assistance between city and village and the development of trade turnover between different regions within the country and with the outside world”.

V. Voloshin. Gas Transit from Russia to Europe through Ukraine as Apple of Discord
The transit of Russian gas through Ukraine to Europe, in recent years, has been at the center of a triangle of energy cooperation between Russia, Europe and Ukraine. The current contract between “Gazprom’ and “Naftogaz Ukrainy”, which has been in force since 2009, expires on December 31, 2019, and so far no agreement has been reached on its extension.

N. Stepanov. Structural Imbalance of the Chinese Initiative “One Belt – One Road”
The relevance of this article is due to the fact that, for Russia today, the vector to the East is becoming the most priority direction of strategic development, but lately, in this region, China has been becoming one of the most influential participants, and Russia has little to do can do with such current situation. The prospects of the Russian state look vague against the backdrop of China’s  “One Belt – One Road” initiative.

Nguen Kuang Tkhuan. Globalization and its Impact on Vietnamese-Russian Relations
At present, globalization is characterized by new features, new trends with a very noticeable adjustment of the actors (actors) involved in this process, from international and regional institutions, transnational companies to individual countries and enterprises.

V. Sheinis. The Mysterious Face of the Future World
People tend to represent the future as a more or less similar repetition of the past. And the more the historical process accelerated, the more frequently their expectations turned out to be deceived.

P. Foster. Dying Democracy in Hungary: “A Climate of Fear”
When the Hungarian branch of the Union of European Federalists decided to meet and discuss the new challenges facing EU democracy, its secretary-general was expecting a spirited debate.

P. Savchenko, M. Fedorova. Social and Labor Relations in Russia: Progress or Regression
The article considers social and labor relations as an integrate unit of the socio-economic system, in which the functions of person as a subject of economy and society, subject of labor and working manpower interact; the convergence of the law of distribution on labor and the law of reimbursement labor costs, social justice and freedom, institutes of state and market regulation of the social-labor relations in Russia in the context of globalization.

T. Chubarova, E. Shestakova. State in the Social Sphere: Vectors of Change
One of the most contested topics in economic theory and practice is the determination of the optimal role of the state in modern society, respectively, the amount of goods and services that it is called upon d to provide to citizens, as well as the means necessary for this.

M. Wulf. International Monetary Fund Today and Tomorrow
The world is changing. And the IMF is changing with it. But the question is not only how it needs to change in order to remain meaningful. It is also in whether political conditions will allow it to maintain its significance.

Cr. Lagarde. Updating Bretton-Woods
The author expresses a desire to briefly share the history of the IMF and express certain thoughts about the future – your future! Seventy-five years ago, delegates from more than 40 countries met to agree on new rules for the global economy. Most delegates were from countries still affected by the conflagration of World War II. They promised to avoid the mistakes that led to this terrible conflict.

A. Tooz. Rethinking of the IMF
In 2007, on the eve of the global financial crisis, the IMF was an organization under siege. The economist Barry Eichengreen called him “an uncontrollable core drift in the sea of liquidity”. Mervyn King, then manager of the Bank of England, warned that the Fund risks “sink into obscurity”.

E. Sheinin. Financial Potential of the Investment Process in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
Sustained economic growth begins with the increased investments in the real sector of the economy. The financial opportunities of the investment process are determined by the totality of financial resources, which are available to the country’s economy and which it has at its disposal. Financial resources include all cash, allocated as investments in the real sector of the economy.

G. Chiodi. The European Union Economic Policies: When Theory does not Keep Up with Practice
The subtle hidden power of economic policies, pursued in the EU, is deeply rooted in the clearly “neutral” economic theory, underlying this policy, ultimately responsible for the economic and social problems that continue to plague most EU countries. At the same time, the subtlety of the political element, embedded in the basic economic theory, lies in the fact that it does not immediately, and subsequently, comes to the fore, being unrecognized for too long in literature and in public debates, moreover, by the majority of critics of the prevailing trend in the economy – which is the mainstream.

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2019. N 2


To Readers
R. Grinberg.
 “The Decline of Europe” Is Postponed Again. And that’s the Good News

V. Tanzi.
 Russia’s Transition from a Planned to a Market Economy: Is the Path on Potholes Justified?
Ya. Dubenetsky. How to Subordinate Finances to the Real Sector
A. Shurubovich. Digitalization of the Economy in Belarusian Style: How Did They Manage to Get Ahead of  “Big Brother”
E. Bukhwald. Vicious Duality of State Support for Small Businesses

Ukrainian Drama
B. Shmelev.
 Russian-Ukrainian Relations after the Presidential Elections in Ukraine. Window of Opportunities or Continuation of Confrontation?
A. Tsipko. The Lessons of the Forced Ukrainization of the Former USSR
Yu. Pavlenko. Russian State before the «Ukrainian Challenge»

V. Sheynis.
 EU and Russia on the Threshold of Future Changes

Social Sphere
N. Goffe.
 International Migrants and the City: an Alliance of Convenience

L. Vardomsky.
 Northern Sea Route as a Mechanism to Ensure Connectedness of Greater Eurasia
V. Arkhipova. “Greening” of the Global Financial System: Experience of China and Prospects for Russia
A. Novak. How to be an International Order?

Regional Communities
B. Dallago.
 How to Overcome the Lack of Collective Responsibility in the Eurozone

At the Bookshelf
 Foggy Prospects for BRICS


R. Grinberg. “The Decline of Europe” Is Postponed Again. And that’s the Good News
The reason for my current “To the Readers” became the regular elections to the European Parliament, held in late May in 28 European countries – members of the European Union. To this day, this event is discussed in our media and, especially in political shows on federal TV channels, albeit with decreasing intensity (in the format, as they say, ‘by the way had to”), but with nondecreasing sarcasm, addressed to the European Union.

V. Tanzi. Russia’s Transition from a Planned to a Market Economy: Is the Path on Potholes Justified?
The author of this article was born and raised in Italy. At the age of 20 he emigrated to the USA, where he studied economics and spent most of his professional life in a globally oriented environment, in the USA and in other countries. This environment allowed him to carefully observe some global changes, including the transition of Russia from a centralized planned economy to a market economy, which is the main topic of the article.

Ya. Dubenetsky. How to Subordinate Finances to the Real Sector
Obviously, there is no need to prove the truth that is clear for many objective analysts – Russia is on the threshold of an extremely acute socio-economic and, as a result, of the political situation. The main and all-encompassing, comprehensive reason for such a situation is the growing failure state of a large part of the production and of the technological sphere, its growing lag both from the country’s critical needs and from world levels.

A. Shurubovich. Digitalization of the Economy in Belarusian Style: How Did They Manage to Get Ahead of  “Big Brother”
In recent years, the legal framework for digitalization is being actively created, its infrastructure is being formed, the production and export of products of ICT sector (that is of the sector of Information and Communication Technologies) have being growing rapidly, and Belarus has been developing cooperation with partners in the EAEU in this area. In the near future, the republic intends to become a regional leader in the development of the most advanced areas of the digital economy.

E. Bukhwald. Vicious Duality of State Support for Small Businesses
“Launch” of a new series of national projects in 2018, to a certain extent, violated the logic of the formation of a strategic planning system in the country, which was designated after the adoption of the Federal “Law  On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation”. The point is not even that in it there is no mention of national projects as a tool for strategic planning. The main problem lies in the lack of coordination of a number of the most significant strategic planning documents.

B. Shmelev Russian-Ukrainian Relations after the Presidential Elections in Ukraine. Window of Opportunities or Continuation of Confrontation?
The participants of “the round table meeting” focused on identifying opportunities for the withdrawal of relations between the two countries from the impasse, in which they are currently. It was about the nature of the compromise, as the most important prerequisite for overcoming the ‘cold war” between the two countries and about the reality of its achievement, about the fate of Donbass region, about the peculiarities of the formation of Ukrainian identity after the presidential elections, about the importance of economic factors in the approaches of Kiev and Moscow to each other, about the new nuances in Western policy to resolve the Ukrainian crisis.

A. Tsipko. The Lessons of the Forced Ukrainization of the Former USSR
The lessons of P. Poroshenko’s defeat in the presidential elections of 2019 are relevant for modern Russia. On extreme, on feelings caused by emergency, martial law, it is impossible to build a longterm state policy.

Yu. Pavlenko. Russian State before the ‘Ukrainian Challenge
Contemporary Russian-Ukrainian relations are a challenge for our country, which makes us think, draw the necessary conclusions and mobilize untapped development resources.

V. Sheynis. EU and Russia on the Threshold of Future Changes
It is impossible to know and to unmistakably build the future Each time it will be different from what was depicted in programs, fantasies and in anti-utopias. But the aspiration to look into the future – and, in accordance with an imaginary picture, to assert what it would be necessary to do and what should be resisted, – is overwhelming.

N. Goffe. International Migrants and the City: an Alliance of Convenience
Mass international migration is one of the most serious challenges of the global world that Western countries had to face. Using the fears of citizens, focusing on the negative aspects, associated with the influx of migrants, many national leaders seek to pursue a frankly populist and isolationist policy.

L. Vardomsky. Northern Sea Route as a Mechanism to Ensure Connectedness of Greater Eurasia
The renaissance of the Northern Sea Route, which began, in connection with the active exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits in the Arctic regions and on the shelf of the northern seas, is becoming a landmark phenomenon in the development of Russia. The country’s turn to the Arctic is being carried out energetically and purposefully, which reflects the rapid growth in the transportation of commercial goods along the Northern Sea Route.

V. Arkhipova. “Greening” of the Global Financial System: Experience of China and Prospects for Russia
Following the “green” economy, “green” finance is becoming increasingly popular. What is behind this concept? What are the causes and the driving motives of the phenomenon, described by him? What force acts as a locomotive of the relevant processes?

A. Novak. How to be an International Order?
The article deals with issues, related to the modern stage of globalization. It analyzes the main causes of the economic and social anti-liberal counter-revolution and emphasizes its influence on the emerging global economic order.

B. Dallago. How to Overcome the Lack of Collective Responsibility in the Eurozone
Since 2014 the European Union has tried to gain time by moving towards less austere fiscal stance and by increasing the use of flexibility that exists in the treaties and pacts. Even more important has been the supportive attitude and action of the European Central Bank.

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2019. N 1


To the Readers
R. Grinberg.
 Do Russians Want War?

F. Fukuyama.
 Socialism Must Return
I. Sinitsina, N. Chudakova. Will Poland help the Nationalization of the Economy?
Kim Hyungkee. The Miracle and Crisis of the State of Development: The Drama of Korean Industrialization

V. Yasinsky, M. Kohzevnikov.
 The Peripetias of «the Turn of Russia to the East»
Herrmann-Pillath. The Blockade of Modernization. Utopian Revolutions of Property in Russia, 1917–2017
S. Chepel. Uzbekistan’s Economy at the beginning of Changes: Problems and Prospects

Social Sphere
L. Khodov.
 The Paradox of German Unemployment

Regional Communities
I. Orlik.
 Integration Trend of the Countries of CEE: from the CMEA to the European Union
Yu. Knyazev. Economic Differentiation of the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
N. Feit. The Painful Search for Growth Drivers in Eastern Europe

A. Tsipko.
 Russia as an Empire Died Forever?

At the Bookshelf
L. Dukanich, D. Zhdanov.
 How to Predict and Regulate Economic Processes in Conditions of Uncertainty
Publications of Institute of Economics on International Issues (2018)

Academic Life
A. Kolganov.
 Is a Non-economic Future Waiting for Us? 


R. Grinberg. Do Russians Want War?
Proponents of the thesis about the inevitability of the transition of the Cold War to the hot phase are of particular concern. It makes you want to call them violent adventurers, since they seriously believe that Russia will have to fight with the West.

F. Fukuyama. Socialism Must Return
The interview of the British journalist George Eaton with the author of “The End of History” contains revelations of Francis Fukuyama about what Karl Marx was right about competitors of liberal democracy and why he fears a war between the United States and China.

I. Sinitsina, N. Chudakova. Will Poland help the Nationalization of the Economy?
The new economic policy of the conservative party “Law and Justice” in Poland, carried out for three years, testifies to the right turn in politics and in the economy. In the economic sphere, this is expressed, in particular, in the complete rejection of privatization, in a return to the peculiar methods of nationalization, in attempts to oust foreign capital and in revising the economic functions of the state.

Kim Hyungkee. The Miracle and Crisis of the State of Development: The Drama of Korean Industrialization
This article aims to clarify the nature and causes of the miracle, crisis and transformation of the Korean Development State or the model of Korea. Since the 1970s, two major transformations have occurred in Korea. The second great transformation led to an unsustainable growth regime. The old model of Korea, the Korean-type state development model, decisively collapsed immediately after the 1997 financial crisis.

V. Yasinsky, M. Kohzevnikov. The Peripetias of  “the Turn of Russia to the East”
A few years ago, they began to actively talk in the country about the turn of Russia to the East. In this regard, the problems of the economic interaction of the Far Eastern region of Russia with Asian partners, primarily with China, were also actualized.

C. Herrmann-Pillath. The Blockade of Modernization. Utopian Revolutions of Property in Russia, 1917–2017
One hundred years after the Russian Revolution, we see many examples of the continuity of the history of the Tsarist empire and the Soviet Union. And it was only in the system of property relations that nationalization, as it seemed, led to a break with the past.

S. Chepel. Uzbekistan’s Economy at the beginning of Changes: Problems and Prospects
Starting from the second half of 2016, a large-scale economic reform began in Uzbekistan, aimed at eliminating barriers to the development of small business and the economy as a whole.

L. Khodov. The Paradox of German Unemployment
The beginning of the fourth industrial revolution and the recovery of the conjuncture, which is turning into economic growth in the Federal Republic of Germany, caused a paradoxical phenomenon: the number of unemployed with low and medium skills declined, but remained at a fairly high level – about 2 million people.

I. Orlik. Integration Trend of the CEE: from the CMEA to the European Union
70 years ago, in January of 1949, most of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe became participants in the creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA). This was determined not only by the pan-European political situation, but also by their economic interests and by close ties with integration economic organizations. 40 years later, after the fall of the socialist system and the decay of the CMEA, its former members began their journey to another integration association – to the European Union.

Yu. Knyazev. Economic Differentiation of the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
More than a quarter of a century after the start of systemic changes in the former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, it can be stated that they are developing unevenly, despite their involvement in the pan-European integration.

N. Feit. The Painful Search for Growth Drivers in Eastern Europe
Changes in recent years in the pattern of economic growth in Central and Eastern Europe by increasing the role of national sources, primarily rising incomes of the population, have borne fruit. However, at the same time, there were risks of reducing the competitiveness of the economy and the occurrence of a crisis, provoked by a consumption boom.

A. Tsipko. Russia as an Empire Died Forever?
The current Russian-Ukrainian conflict found a dramatic regularity. The closer the people of the colony are in language to the people of the metropolis, to the state forming ethnos, the more they come together over the centuries of life together in the empire, the greater is their dislike for each other when the empire disintegrates and they begin to create an independent state.

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2018. N 4


To the Readers
R. Grinberg.
 Is a Humane Economy Possible? Lessons from Grzegorz Kolodko for the World and Russia

I. Angelov.
 Russia Needs Accelerated Catch-Up Economic Growth
Gr. W. Kolodko. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics or Corrupt Crony Capitalism?
M. Nuti. The Rise, Fall and Future of Socialism

M. Golovnin
. Exchange Rate and External Shocks in the Russian Economy
Z. Kuznetsova. The Czech National Bank and Macroeconomic Stabilization
M. Borovy. Spin-Off as an Element of Stimulating the Innovativeness of the Polish Economy

T. Valeva.
 Bulgaria: EU, NATO and... Russia?
Yu. Knyazev. Macedonia: Development in Spite of Circumstances

Social Sphere
T. Sokolova.
 Post-Soviet States in the Captivity of Social Problems
E. Shestakova. Long-Term Human Care: the Problem of the State, Society or Family?

Regional Communities
Y. Demina.
 Integration in East Asia: Challenges for the Russian Far East

S. Bodrunov.
 Hyperdevelopment of Financial Capital as a Global Civilizational Threat
Jomo Kwame Sundaram. Has Globalization Enhanced Development Cooperation of Poor Countries?

Academic Life
U. Ziyadullayev, Yu. Simonova. Strategic Development of the Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan


R. Grinberg.  Is a Humane Economy Possible? Lessons from Grzegorz Kolodko for the World and Russia
In the conditions of general despondency and despair, people of hope and sober optimism take on special significance. They are few, but they are. And I know and I am even friends with one of them. This is Grzegorz Kolodko – a remarkable Polish economist and statesman, whose seventy-year anniversary will be celebrated in January of 2019.

I. Angelov. Russia Needs Accelerated Catch-Up Economic Growth
I support the policies of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation in a number of important areas: a large-scale revival of Russian statehood and defense capability; restoration of the political, military and moral prestige of Russia in the world; a growing rapprochement with China; efforts to normalize relations with the US and the EU, etc.

Gr. W. Kolodko. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics or Corrupt Crony Capitalism?
The example of the evolution of China, a country which accounts for nearly one-fifth of world production, according to PPP, contradicts traditional views for, at least, two reasons. First, if it is socialism, the elimination of deficiencies in its economy has been possible without changing the system. Secondly, if it is capitalism, then it can exist and economically really flourish without democracy.

D. M. Nuti. The Rise, Fall and Future of Socialism
Numerous problems of our planet caused by globalization, mass migration, infrastructure investments, robotics and artificial intelligence, climate change, environmental pollution and the need to preserve natural resources, as well as the problems facing EU member states and especially the eurozone cannot be solved under capitalism and require a transition to a new socialism.

M. Golovnin. Exchange Rate and External Shocks in the Russian Economy
The transition to the inflation targeting regime in combination with the free-floating exchange rate regime, significantly limited the ability of the Central Bank to regulate the latter. Meanwhile, in Russia, as in other countries with emerging markets, the exchange rate plays an important role in the system of macroeconomic interrelations.

Z. Kuznetsova. The Czech National Bank and Macroeconomic Stabilization
In the economics of countries with emerging markets, the debate about the role of the Central Bank in the general economic policy of the state does not abate. The practice of economic transformations in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe showed that countries, that actively used and now use government controls, made the greatest progress in the transition from a planned to a market economy.

M. Borovy. Spin-Off as an Element of Stimulating the Innovativeness of the Polish Economy
The main task of the Polish Responsible Development Strategy as an updated version of the National Development Strategy 2020 are stimulation and dynamics of innovative processes. Startups have become a tool for implementing the innovation policy of the country.

T. Valeva. Bulgaria: EU, NATO and... Russia?
Bulgaria’s relations with the EU, NATO and Russia began to acquire special urgency in the past year and a half, when Bulgarian citizens elected the new president of the country.

Yu. Knyazev. Macedonia: Development in Spite of Circumstances
Macedonia, which occupies one of the last places among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, in terms of economic development, has been in this status for more than a quarter of a century of existence as an independent state. Invariably, being on one of the lower steps of the comparative rating, this country is, nevertheless, gradually moving towards progress.

T. Sokolova. Post-Soviet States in the Captivity of Social Problems
Long-term ignoring of the social component of development has led to the fact that the majority of the population of the Post-Soviet countries is forced not to live, but to survive.

E. Shestakova. Long-Term Human Care: the Problem of the State, Society or Family?
Improving the quality of life of the older generation in Russia is not only limited to the improvement of pensions, but also requires a radical modernization of the social protection system, improving the quality and expanding the range of medical care and long-term care services.

Y. Demina. Integration in East Asia: Challenges for the Russian Far East
The territorial proximity of the Russian Far East to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region in general, and to East Asia, in particular, determined the orientation of its foreign economic relations to this region. Currently, East Asia shows high growth rates of GDP, trade and investment flows and it is one of the centers of world politics.

S. Bodrunov. Hyperdevelopment of Financial Capital as a Global Civilizational Threat
One of the important features of the modern economy is the increasing financialization. Therefore, it is important to consider its evolution and peculiarities of institutional consolidation at various stages of its development, to assess the impact of financialization on material production and on the economic system as a whole, to determine the effects of the domination of the financial sector of the economy over the real one , and to show the nature of these effects.

Jomo Kwame Sundaram. Has Globalization Enhanced Development Cooperation of Poor Countries?
Protracted economic stagnation in rich countries continues to threaten the development prospects of poorer countries. Globalization and economic liberalization, over the last few decades, have integrated developing countries into the world economy, but now this very integration is becoming a threat as developing countries depend on the state of the economy of the rich world.

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2018. N 3


To the Readers
R. Grinberg.
 Pension Reform As a Regular Act of Self-Discrediting of Russian Liberalism

E. Monczynska.
 The State in the Context of the Digital Revolution
G. Jacobs. The Political Economy of Neo-Liberalism and Illiberal Democracy
А. Kiva. China Strikes the World

Moscow Economy Forum – 2018 
Economic Philosophy of the future: Liberalism, Dirigisme, What Else?

I. Orlik.
 The Differentiation of Eastern Europe in a New Geopolitical Situation
I. Sinitsina, N. Chudakova. Ideologization of Foreign Policy of Poland
G. Toloraya. Missile and Nuclear Program of the DPRK: the Train Left out?

V. Davydov.
 Latin America: Сhanging Milestones at Crossroads

Regional Communities
L. Fokina.
 Moldova: in Search of Foreign Economic Priorities
R. Ciampo. The New Development Bank of BRICS: Current Innovations and Challenges
P. Motta. BRICS 2018: Standby or Revival?

A. Malashenko.
 Religion in Politics: an Inferiority Complex and Megalomania

A. Buev, O. Bukhovets. State Monolingualism in the Post-Soviet Countries in the Light of Modern National Studies 

Academic Life
L. Vardomsky.
 Reflections on Great Eurasia


R. Grinberg. Pension Reform As a Regular Act of Self-Discrediting of Russian Liberalism
The reason for my reflections on the causes and consequences of  “the uncontestedness” of the economic course carried out since the beginning of the 1990s was the draft law on increasing the retirement age of the Russians. It can be designated as, perhaps, the most unpopular act in the series of so-called structural reforms, so beloved by our systemic and opposition intellectuals.

E. Monczynska. The State in the Context of the Digital Revolution
In today’s economy, the role of the state is particularly discussed, including its relationship with the market. Since the 1970s of the last century, most Western economies were based on the neo-liberal doctrine that the role of the state in the economy should be kept to a minimum.

G. Jacobs. The Political Economy of Neo-Liberalism and Illiberal Democracy
In the second part of the article, the author considers democracy as a concept and an operating principle of management of the society and of the state.

A. Kiva. China Strikes the World
This is the result of  “the economic miracle”, created by the Chinese through its own model of reforms; the initial orientation towards industrial-innovative development through a short stage of emphasis on the rise of agriculture; the skillful use of foreign capital; creation of equal conditions for the activities of different forms of ownership and encouragement of competition between them; regular rotation of senior management; well thought out foreign policy.

Economic Philosophy of the future: Liberalism, Dirigisme, What Else?
“Dead theory, my friend ...”  – with this textual phrase of Mephistopheles, the participants of the debate, whose title was taken to the headline and which took place within the framework of the MEF-2018 (3d of April of this year), are unlikely to agree. Without a modern rational economic theory, they believe, there can be no rational economic policy.

I. Orlik. The Differentiation of Eastern Europe in a New Geopolitical Situation
A sharp aggravation of relations in the second decade of the XXI century between Russia and the Western powers involved in this confrontation countries as well that are strictly geographically related to the region of Central and South-Eastern Europe.

I. Sinitsina, N. Chudakova. Ideologization of Foreign Policy of Poland
Having come to power, the right-wing conservative party “Law and Justice” declared the priority of Poland’s national interests over the interests of the EU, and the indoctrination (or the ideologization) of foreign policy intensified. The positions of the Visegrad group are being strengthened, the foreign policy doctrine of the “Three Seas” is being reanimated and resuscitated, relations between Poland and Germany have become more complicated, and the motivation for participation in the policy of the “Eastern Partnership” has decreased.

G. Toloraya. Missile and Nuclear Program of the DPRK: the Train Left out?
Now more than ever the nuclear program of the DPRK is being discussed a lot. After all, it seems that the agreement on “denuclearization of the Korean peninsula” was agreed upon at the meeting between D. Trump and the leader of the DPRK Kim Jongun. However, immediately after the Summit, doubts began to be expressed about the feasibility of such a scenario.

V. Davydov. Latin America: Сhanging Milestones at Crossroads
The current reality of Latin-Caribbean America (LCA) is not reduced to manifestations of regional features. It fully reflects the global realities as well, although sometimes in a transformed form. From this combination, a lot of lessons and cognitive analogies should be drawn that make it possible to better understand the historical conditionality of development, the prospect of its adaptation to the changing conditions of existence and coexistence in the world community.

L. Fokina. Moldova: in Search of Foreign Economic Priorities
Over the past 15 years, the Republic of Moldova continued to be defined with the priorities and vectors of the country’s development: European or Eurasian integration? Both these vectors have important economic and political aspects.

R. Ciampo. The New Development Bank of BRICS: Current Innovations and Challenges
The likelihood of an infrastructure gap and a lack of resources prompted governments of the countries of BRICS to create their own financial institution in 2015, that is the New Development Bank, the primary task of which was the coordination of various infrastructure needs, and supporting sustainable development as well.

P. Motta. BRICS 2018: Standby or Revival?
After the ninth BRICS Summit, held in Xiamen (China) in September of 2017, important events took place in the world that had a significant impact on the original BRICS program of activities, as presented in the final declaration.

A. Malashenko. Religion in Politics: an Inferiority Complex and Megalomania
All religions are similar to each other, because they are based on an irrational beginning, and that is on faith. Belief in God or in gods. Without faith, there is no religion. There is religion without faith. It is clear that to assert this, therefore, means to challenge the clergy, the giant corporation of clergymen, or priests.

A. Buev, O. Bukhovets. State Monolingualism in the Post-Soviet Countries in the Light of Modern National Studies
How to assess the costs and risks of politicizing the role of language in the states, that inherited the USSR? How can we forecast the risks and dangers to their development, stemming from the ethnic policies of power elites? To answer these questions, it is useful to get acquainted with the “Belarusian phenomenon” of state bilingualism, i.e. to consider state monolingualism in the Post-Soviet countries, in the context of the experience of those states, in which there are two or more official state languages.

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2018. N 2


To the Readers
R. Grinberg.
 When Marx Returns

Moscow Economy Forum – 2018
The Future of Russia: Challenges, Strategies, Mechanisms for Achieving Successes
The Global World under the Conditions of Radical Changes: Risks and Chances

Gr. W. Kolodko.
 What is Capitalism and what is Socialism?
V. Kashin. What Is: Lacking in «The Development Strategies»

Yu. Knyazev.
 Economic Recovery of Slovenia
M. Sokolov. Tax Reform of D. Trump: Moving along the Rate of Acceleration

A. Tsypko.
 Russian Insanity of the End and the Edge Is Not Present
P. Krugman. What’s the Matter with Europe?

Ukrainian Drama
B. Shmelev.
 The Ukrainian Crisis and the Policy of Russia

Social Sphere
V. Sautkina. On the Way to Personalized Medicine: Opportunities, Risks and Limitations

L. Khodov.
 Problems of a Colony Covered with Ice

Regional Communities
L. Vardomsky
. On the Dynamics of Transit Transportations of the Countries of the EAEU
A. Shurubovich. International Transit in the Economic Model of Belarus


R. Grinberg. When Marx returns
In today’s Russia they did not pay much attention to the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx, while in Europe and China it was given very serious significance.. There, both the public and the power structures, are very concerned about the current situation in the world, which seems to have once again found himself in a historical impasse.

The Future of Russia: Challenges, Strategies, Mechanisms for Achieving Successes
Russia, possessing great creative traditions, having rich experience of industrial and agricultural production, having fundamental scientific achievements, has made a significant contribution to the evolution of humanity. However, in recent decades, the development of the country can not but cause concern.

The Global World under the Conditions of Radical Changes: Risks and Chances
Under this title the topic was discussed in the second plenary discussion. In the world of numerous changes and collisions, as it was emphasized by its participants, it is important to preserve and to consolidate the good mutually beneficial relations of countries and peoples, to jointly respond to the challenges of our time, to protect the planet from nuclear war and from local conflicts, to preserve its nature from predatory looting, to make the benefits of globalization available for all, not just for the “golden billion”

Gr. W. Kolodko. What is Capitalism and What is Socialism?
A lot was written about capitalism and socialism. There is no need to review literature on this subject, although it should be noted that, throughout the period, when the corresponding systems coexisted and opposed each other, i.e. during most of the twentieth century, these terms were attributed various meanings, especially in the course of intellectual, scientific, ideological and political debates.

V. Kashin. What Is: Lacking in “The Development Strategies’
Our government has a lot of strategies, all kinds and different. There is even a special law – on strategic planning. There are – at least on paper – the authorities as well, which are responsible for the relevant work.

Yu. Knyazev. Economic Recovery of Slovenia
Iridescent, optimistic assessments of the experience of the most developed state among the post-socialist countries as a leader of the region have been replaced by a post-crisis analysis of the causes of the deepest economic recession and deterioration in the social security of citizens during the period of the forced policy of austerity.

M. Sokolov. Tax reform of D. Trump: moving along the Rate of Acceleration
The article analyzes the impact of tax reforms, conducted in the USA in the last four decades, on the development of its economy. It is concluded that tax reforms have led to revolutionary transformations in the processes of reproduction of capital.

A. Tsypko. Russian Insanity of the End and the Edge Is Not Present
The reasons for the new “Cold War”, which led to a sharp deterioration in relations between Russia and the USA, are qualitatively different from the causes of the ‘Cold War” with the USSR.

P. Krugman. What’s the Matter with Europe?
If you had to identify a place and time where the humanitarian dream – the vision of a society offering decent life to all its members – came closest to realization, that place and time would surely be Western Europe in the six decades after World War II.

B. Shmelev. The Ukrainian Crisis and the Policy of Russia
Ukraine remains one of the hot topics of world politics and is still, like a fire-bearer, ready to undermine the already unstable relations between Russia and the West at any time. What has become of “the fraternal friendship” of the two Slavic peoples, where to their “single economic complex” has sunk, and why is the civil war in the Donbass burning? “Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”) talks with the well-known political scientist B. Shmelev.

V. Sautkina. On the Way to Personalized Medicine: Opportunities, Risks and Limitations
The rapid rise in the cost of medical services around the world has significantly exacerbated the problem of the effectiveness of national health systems. In this connection, a new approach to the development of the industry has been outlined, which implies a large-scale transition to personalized medicine.

L. Khodov. Problems of a Colony Covered with Ice
The island of Greenland in the Far North of the Atlantic Ocean, an area of 2,175,600 km2 is an autonomous region of the Danish Kingdom, and it is home to 65 thousand people. They are basically Eskimos. Over the past 30–40 years, the number of Europeans, who moved to the island to take up permanent residence, has increased.

L. Vardomsky. On the Dynamics of Transit Transportations of the Countries of the EAEU
The article analyzes transit in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, which significantly changed its structure during the years of their sovereign existence.

A. Shurubovich. International transit in the Economic Model of Belarus
For the Republic of Belarus, which has an advantageous geographical position in the center of Europe at the crossroads of international trade routes and a developed transport infrastructure, transit traffic is an important factor in the development of the economy and in the enhancement of the country’s role in the world economy.

“Mir Peremen” (“The World of Transformations”). 2018. N 1


To the Readers
R. Grinberg.
 Jubilee of a Lost Chance

G. Jacobs.
 The Political Economy of Neo-Liberalism and Illiberal Democracy
P. Savchenko, M. Fedorova. Convergence As a Model for the Development of the Socio-Economic System

E. Bukhwald.
 Small Business As a Factor for Economic Recovery of Russia’s Single-Industry Towns
B. Lapidus, D. Macheret. Promising Network of High-Speed Highways Is a Tool for the Transition to Innovative Leadership
A. Karavaev. Azerbaijan in International Transport Corridors

I. Orlik.
 Central-Eastern Europe: from Euphoria to Skepticism
F. Manenti. Where does Competition between China and India Leads to?
O. Stuenkel. International Politics in 2018: Ten Predictions

Social Sphere
A. Sedlov.
 Russian Labor Market: Features of Eastern and Western Migration
R. Savio. Billionaires, Fiscal Paradise, the World’s Debt, and the Victims

Regional Communities
N. Feit.
 Foreign Economic Relations of the CEE Countries: Acquisition and Loss
E. Sheinin. The Investment Process and the Economic Growth in CEE
V. Dergachev. The European Experience of Regional Policy

At the Bookshelf
A. Veber.
 The Formation of a Global Peace: What Next?
Publication of the Institute of Economics on International Issues in 2017.

Academic Life
L. Kosikova.
 Russia in Global and Regional Transformation Processes


R. Grinberg. Jubilee of a Lost Chance
The current calendar can be called a jubilee for eternally alluring Russia dreams of freedom and justice. We are talking about the legendary “Prague Spring’, whether half-forgotten or semi-prohibited for the high-profile mentioning of hybrid wars in our troubled times , of titanic television battles with the “fifth column”, of spiritual “braces” and, suddenly, of more frequent squabbles on the topic of sexual harassments. Then, 50 years ago, the whole world was closely watching the radical social changes, which were unfolding in the socialist Czechoslovakia, and which were interrupted at the very height of reforms.

G. Jacobs. The Political Economy of Neo-Liberalism and Illiberal Democracy
As is known, the world develops far nonlinearly. Often society, once having rejected those or other doctrines, theories, strategies of its functioning, returns to them in one form or another on a new spiral turn. Something similar happens, in the opinion of the famous scientist and public figure G. Jacobs, with neo-liberalism – the dominant world view of the last third of the XXth century.

P. Savchenko, M. Fedorova. Convergence As a Model for the Development of the Socio-Economic System
When post-socialist countries, at the turn of the 1990s, began to change the social system, they had to choose some kind of development model. Some rejected all the imperatives of socialism and put on the free market. Others decided to combine state regulation and market self-regulation, individual freedom and social justice in the economy and in the society. It appears seems that the convergent model of the development and modernization of the socio-economic system, has proved promising, since in its center, it turned out to be a man.

E. Bukhwald. Small Business As a Factor for Economic Recovery of Russia’s Single-Industry Towns
The current stage of the state policy of development and support of small and mediumsized businesses is characterized by a shift from the ideology of welfare and the achievement of a general expansion of the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian economy to an attempt to use already sufficiently strengthened small forms of management in order to solve specific economic and social tasks in the country. Among these tasks is the restoration of mono-cities.

B. Lapidus, D. Macheret. A Promising Network of High-Speed Highways Is a Tool for the Transition to Innovative Leadership
In the article, based on the analysis of global social and economic trends, a conclusion was drawn on the need for cardinal acceleration of the transport of goods and passengers and the expediency of creating a network of high-speed lines, using vacuum-levitation technologies, to solve this problem. Taking into account the analysis of historical experience, it is justified that, in order to avoid inefficient costs, it is necessary to build a perspective topology of such a transport network. A concrete variant of the perspective topology of the network of vacuum-levitational highways and high speed railway in Russia is proposed.

A. Karavaev. Azerbaijan in International Transport Corridors
Transport is the most important direction and driving force of globalization and regional economic integration. This maximum is true for Azerbaijan. The current attention of the authorities of the country to transport communications and to transit of goods, is determined, first of all, by a decrease in the volume of revenues from oil and gas projects, and by the aspiration and by the desire to diversify sources of economic growth.

I. Orlik. Central-Eastern Europe: from Euphoria to Skepticism
The development of socio-political and economic life in CEE, in the first years of the XXI century, did not foreshadow disturbing prospects. On the contrary, in 1989–1991 years. the process of transformation began, and then it continued. The European integration, one by one, absorbed post-socialist countries, which, after having got fed from the European Union, and, after having received recharge from them, began to strengthen their economies. True, the crisis of 2008–2010. somewhat violated this process, but did not seriously affect the stability achieved.

F. Manenti. Where does Competition Between China and India Leads to?
BRICS, as one of the most influential international forums, constantly attracts the attention of researchers studying certain innovations within the framework of the bloc, as well as the state of relations between its members. F. Manenti analyzes the causes of the uneasy relations between China and India and the possibility of finding a balance of their competitive interests.

O. Stuenkel. International Politics in 2018: Ten Predictions
Predictions in our time are not uncommon, and besides, in different areas. Especially their number increases at the turn of the years. Today we present to our readers the expectations of the famous Latin American foreign policy researcher of Brazil, India and China and their impact on the global governance in the coming year.

A. Sedlov.Russian Labor Market: Features of Eastern and Western Migration
When many decisions are made in the sphere of regulating the movement of labor, the impact on the economy of decisions and political transformations is often overestimated. Beyond any doubt,, the state restrictions, the sanctions war with the West, the European migration crisis, the political reorientation of a number of CIS countries significantly influence the integration of the Russian labor market. At the same time, the change in the scale and in the dynamics of migration processes, is primarily objective in nature.

R. Savio. Billionaires, Fiscal Paradise, the World’s Debt, and the Victims
Among Bloomberg’s many profitable activities is a convenient Bloomberg Billionaires Index that has just published its findings for 2017. It covers only the 500 richest people, and it proudly announces that they increased their wealth by 1 trillion dollars in just one year. Their fortunes went up by 23% to top comfortable 5 trillion dollars (to put this in perspective, the US budget is now at 3.7 trillion.) That obviously means an equivalent reduction for the rest of the population, which lost those trillion dollars. What is not widely known is that the amount of the circulation of money stays the same; no new money is printed to accommodate the 500 richest billionaires!

N. Feit. Foreign Economic Relations of the CEE Countries: Acquisition and Loss
At present, the CEE countries are experiencing the consequences of geopolitical and economic instability, provoked by the global financial and economic crisis and by the further exacerbation of the problems of global and European economies. The policy of sanctions against Russia, initiated by the West, makes the “New Europeans” its active participants, compelled and forced to comply with the principles of EU membership.

E. Sheinin. The Investment Process and the Economic Growth in CEE
The countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) face difficult challenges in ensuring sustainable economic growth. Their solution, to a large extent, depends on achieving high rates of increase in investment in fixed assets, on raising the rate of investment in GDP. This article is devoted to the study of the role of investments in economic growth, to the assessment of the resource potential of investments, to the importance of foreign direct investments for the economies of the countries of the region.

V. Dergachev. The European Experience of Regional Policy
In Europe in recent decades, regionalization is actively developing. The modern European regionalism differs from traditional by openness, by formation “from below”, by participation of non-state and sub-national subjects. The advantage in competitiveness is given to regions and territorial communities, where local sociocultural communications are taken into account, most of all.